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Tressider's 'Pilot, Lord Jerningham's 'Clinker, and five or six others. But, as I tell you, 'Clasher' and 'Moonraker' carry the money, though many knowing ones are sweet on the 'Rascal. But, surely, you must have heard of the great steeplechase? Devilish ugly course, they tell me." "The Viscount spoke of it, I remember," said Barnabas, absently. "Viscount, sir not Viscount Devenham?" "Yes."

Even that other and greater world, which is neither fashionable nor polite, being too busy gaining the wherewithal to exist, even in fetid lanes and teeming streets, in dingy offices and dingier places still, the same excitement prevailed; busy men forgot their business awhile; crouching clerks straightened their stooping backs, became for the nonce fabulously rich, and airily bet each other vast sums that Carnaby's "Clasher" would do it in a canter, that Viscount Devenham's "Moonraker" would have it in a walk-over, that the Marquis of Jerningham's "Clinker" would leave the field nowhere, and that Captain Slingsby's "Rascal" would run away with it.

It originated in a match between Devenham on his 'Moonraker' and myself on 'Clinker, but Sling here was hot to match his 'Rascal, and Carnaby fancied his 'Clasher, and begad! applications came so fast that we had a field in no time." "Good fellows and sportsmen all!" nodded the Captain. "Gentlemen riders no tag-rag, gamest of the game, sir."

I'm nae great clasher at ony time, for my pairt." At seven o'clock in the morning he sent a note to Sir Charles Bassett, to say that his house had been attacked last night by two armed burglars; he and his people had captured one, and wished to take him before a magistrate at once, since his house was not a fit place to hold him secure.

At the fence, Carnaby sees "The Terror's" black head some six yards behind; at the hedge, Barnabas has lessened the six to three; and at the ditch once again the great, black horse gallops half a length behind the powerful gray. And now, louder and louder, shouts come down the wind! "The gray! It's Carnaby's gray! Carnaby's 'Clasher' wins! 'Clasher'! 'Clasher'!"

"Yes, sir, devilish swell affair, with gentlemen to ride, and Royalty to look on a race of races! London's agog with it, all the clubs discuss it, coffee houses ring with it, inns and taverns clamor with it soul and honor, betting everywhere. The odds slightly favor Sir Mortimer Carnaby's 'Clasher'; but Viscount Devenham's 'Moonraker' is well up. Then there's Captain Slingsby's 'Rascal, Mr.