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She had talked volubly, more than a little terrified at Merlin's scowls, and the attitude of Citizen Tinville, who was known to be very severe if anyone committed any blunders. But the Citizeness her name was Brogard and her husband's brother kept an inn in the neighbourhood of Calais the Citizeness Brogard had a clear conscience.

At the door of the cubicle where she had been forced to submit to the indignity of being searched by a wardress, the latter was now standing, waiting with characteristic stolidity. In her hand she held the steel files, the dagger and the purse which, as Marguerite passed, she held out to her. "Your property, citizeness," she said placidly.

"Oh, mon Dieu! citizen Lepine, I had no idea you were here," she exclaimed as soon as she had recovered her balance. "Nor I, citizeness, that I should have the pleasure of seeing you this morning," he retorted. "But you were always at the other corner of the Pont Neuf," she argued. "So I was," he replied, "so I was. But I thought I would like a change. The Faubourg St.

"The 'Clarion'!" There was a profundity of contempt in Veltman's voice; and a deeper bitterness when he snapped his teeth upon a word which sounded to Hal suspiciously like the Biblical characterization of an undesirable citizeness of Babylon. "In any case, they won't give the 'Clarion' any more orders." "Oh, yes, they will," said Veltman stolidly.

The concierge, terrified and obsequious, rushed trembling out of his box. "What was the pleasure of the citizen soldiers?" he asked. "Tell him, citizeness," commanded Rouget curtly. "We are going to apartment No. 12 on the second floor," said petite maman to the concierge. "Have you a key of the apartment?" queried Rouget. "No, citizen," stammered the concierge, "but "

Eugene was apprenticed to a cabinet-maker; a leather apron was put on, and then with a plank under his arm, and carrying a plane in his hand, he went through the streets to the workshop of the cabinet- maker, and every one lauded the patriotic sentiments of the Citizeness Lanoy, who tried to educate the brood of the ex- aristocrats into orderly and moral beings.

Her bearing, though humble, announced her as one of the hated class, and by scrutinising her thin features we see that she is "the Citizeness Montmorency, heretofore Baroness." She was absorbed in thought. Recollections, one by one, of the changes which had made her an old woman in experience at the age when most maidens become brides, were crossing her mind.

Then Chauvelin, courtly and urbane, stepped calmly forward. "Believe me, Citizeness," he said, addressing Candeille directly and with marked emphasis, "I am entirely at your command, but am I not helpless, seeing that those who have so grossly insulted you are of your own irresponsible, if charming, sex?"

"I will not yet believe him false, but if he is, he shall pay for it. I should laugh to see his neck under the knife." "You let me into a secret, citizeness, the greatness of your love." "Great love like mine means hatred if it is scorned," she said; and then she added quickly, "But he may have got safely away from Paris."

"Celine Dumont," she replied unhesitatingly, for had she not rehearsed all this in her mind dozens of times, until her tongue could rattle off the borrowed name as easily as it could her own; "servitor to Citizeness Desiree Candeille!" The man who had very carefully been examining the paper the while, placed it down on the table deliberately in front of him, and said: "Celine Dumont!