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Gunn's essay on the Caledonian Harp, and so proceed in my story with all the brevity that my natural style of composition, partaking of what scholars call the periphrastic and ambagitory, and the vulgar the circumbendibus, will permit me. The solemn hunting was delayed, from various causes, for about three weeks.

"Lef me? Nebber. But den I didn't tink you'd magine anyting was wrong till too late. What I wanted was help, den an dar. De trouble was, when you did come, you all made dat ar circumbendibus, an trabelled clean an clar away from me." "We thought at first you could not be so near the point." "But de pint was de whole difficulty. Dat's de pint." "Well, at any rate, you've saved the lobsters."

At length Halliday and I, won over by honest Ben's arguments, agreed to let him do as he proposed; it being settled that we should wait for him close to the well. "Thank you, gentlemen," he said. "I will make a `circumbendibus' of the camp; and if so be I can't get sight of Mr Boxall, I will be back here in an hour at the furthest.

Gunn's Essay on the Caledonian Harp, and so proceed in my story with all the brevity that my natural style of composition, partaking of what scholars call the periphrastic and ambagitory, and the vulgar the circumbendibus, will permit me. The solemn hunting was delayed, from various causes, for about three weeks.

Our intention was to travel north, as we knew that was the road leading from the colony; but Hastings had decided that we should first go to the eastward, so as to make what we sailors call a circumbendibus, which would keep us out of the general track.

This he did so soon as he had made a circumbendibus to escape notice, and deposited the basket behind his master's chair, muttering, as he put it down with a thump, "There's a couple of bottles of as good wine as ever was uncorked."

He has flashes, nothing more than flashes, of melancholy. . . . It is in reading the verses of Clement Marot that we have, for the first time as it seems to me, a very clear and distinct feeling of having got out from the circumbendibus of the old language, from the Gallic tangle.

"Dat's all righd!" spat back the Professor with spiteful emphasis, "I'm addressing my remarks to dis chentleman!" "Ah so!" mimicked Bunker. "Vell, shoodt id indo him! And say, tell him about that tunnel! Tell him how you went in until the air got bad and came out up the hill like a gopher. Took a double circumbendibus and, after describing a parabola "

The chambermaid, who sat opposite, passed the time in ineffectual overtures to relieve my father of the little girl, who still clung nestling to his breast, in a long epic, much broken into episodes, of the causes which had led to her dismissal of the late cabman, who, to swell his fare, had thought proper to take a "circumbendibus!" and with occasional tugs at her cap, and smoothings down of her gown, and apologies for being such a figure, especially when her eyes rested on my satin cravat, or drooped on my shining boots.

A hard place to fish, I thought. And believe I will just fancy I see this place too; it sounds rather a "circumbendibus" for us this journey. And why leave Bangalore at all? Why fatigue ourselves seeing more places and sights than these we have near us?