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If you have no foundation of knowledge, or habit of thought, to work upon, what chance have you of persuading a hungry man that a capitalist is not a thief "with a circumbendibus?" And if he honestly believes that, of what avail is it to quote the commandment against stealing, when he proposes to make the capitalist disgorge?

Nothing could be more plausibly set forth; and certainly the project, as a notion, had many things to recommend it; but we had no funds adequate to undertake it; so, on the score of expense, knowing, as I did, the state of the public income, I thought it my duty to oppose it in toto; which fired Mr Plan to such a degree, that he immediately insinuated that I had some end of my own to serve in objecting to his scheme; and because the wall that it was proposed to big round the moderate building, which we were contemplating, would inclose a portion of the backside of my new steading at the Westergate, he made no scruple of speaking, in a circumbendibus manner, as to the particular reasons that I might have for preferring it to his design, which he roused, in his way, as more worthy of the state of the arts and the taste of the age.

"'Bryan, said I, 'I scorn a moral circumbendibus where the direct truth is necessary; I have heard it said, and I fear it is burthened wid too much uncomfortable veracity, that Kathleen Cavanagh has donned the black cap* in doing the judicial upon you, and that she considers her sentence equal to the laws of the Medes and Persians, unchangeable or, like those of our own blessed church wid reverence be the analogy made altogether infallible. His eye blazed as I spoke; he caught me where by the collar wid a grip that made me quake 'Another word against Kathleen Cavanagh, he replied, 'and I will shake every joint of your carcass out of its place. His little sister, Dora, was wid him at the time; 'Give him a shake or two as it is, she added, egging him on, 'for what he has said already; throth she's a lively little lady that, an' if it wasn't that she has a pair of dark shining eyes, and sweet features ay, and as coaxin' a figure of her own however, sorra may care, somehow, I defy any one to, be angry wid her."

Johnny, having taken his resolve, made no circumbendibus in his addresses; but one day, as he was alone in the company of the lady, by name Lizzy Lorimer, "Lizzy," said he, "I'll tell thee what I have been thinking about. I think thou'd make me a very good wife." "Well," replied Lizzy; "sure, isn't that extraordinary? I was just thinking the very same thing." "That's right!

"Confound it," William King muttered to himself, "what did I do it for, anyhow? 'Martha, my dear, I know you like to do a kindness, so I asked Mrs. Richie and her brother'" that was better. "But I hate a circumbendibus!" William said, irritably, to himself. Then he drew a long breath, and set his lips as a man may who is about to face the domestic cannon's mouth.

"Bill," said he with a sigh, "you and I, boy and man, have sailed together a good score of years, and never had a fall-out about nothing all that time, and it goes to my heart, Bill, to say any thing that you won't like; but it must be done that I sees so it's no use to have no circumbendibus.

"Can't say as how I have," answered Bill. "But there's many they say who has, and few who ever lived to tell of it. But what was you thinking on, Jem?" "Why you see, Bill," replied his chum, "I don't altogether like the circumbendibus ways of that ere chap to windward.

Our intention was to travel north, as we knew that was the road leading from the colony; but Hastings had decided that we should first go to the eastward, so as to make what we sailors call a circumbendibus, which would keep us out of the general track.

Thirdly, A circumbendibus described by a few daring French dragoons, who succeeded in getting into the rear of our engineers' camp, at that time unguarded, and lightened some of the officers of their epaulettes.

I remember when I was gold-mining in Tibet, one of our carriers who died of lockjaw had such a circumbendibus in his body that we froze him and made him the hoop of a bucket to carry our water in. You see he was a thin bit man, and iron was scarce." "Ay, man!" cried Partan, "you've been in Tibet?" "Often," waved Tarmillan, "often! I used to go there every summer."