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'She's nobbut owd, an it's a far cry fro her bit cottage to owd Needham's Farm. An th' chilt might ha deed, and t' cattle might ha strayed, and t' geyats might ha opened o' theirsels! Yo'll not dare to speak agen that. They might? Ay, ay, we aw know t' devil's strong; but she's eighty-one year coom Christmas an an . Doan't, doan't let t' childer see, nor t' yoong gells!

'The little un, as she used to tell Matt, 'had drawed th' owd woman's teeth; to which Matt used to reply, 'Naa, lass, the teeth's there, but hoo's gi'en o'er bitin'. Not infrequently, both son and daughter would rally her on the many indulgences she granted the child, and Matt often told her that what 'he used to ged licked for, th' chilt geet kissed for. Mr.

By this time the moving figures on the snow were approaching the foot of the hill whereon the two men stood, and Malachi, raising his hands to his mouth, greeted them with a loud halloo. Immediately there came a reply. It was from Oliver himself, in a loud, importuning voice: 'Han yo' fun him? 'Fun who? asked Malachi. 'Why, that chilt o' mine! Who didsto think we wur lookin' for?

"Yo'n be sorry when it's too late," said Hal. "Tush!" cried Demdike, "my only regret will be that Uriel's slaughter is paid for by such a worthless life as thine." "Then whoy tak it?" demanded Hal. "'Specially whon yo'n lose your chilt by doing so." "My child!" exclaimed Demdike, surprised. "How mean you, sirrah?"

We noather on us know what to make on her. She's like a wild thing soomtimes not a human creetur at aw Gie me that chilt, I tell tha! Louie vouchsafed no answer. She sat down composedly before the fire, and, cradling the still sleeping child on her knee, she bent over it examining its waxen hands and tiny feet with an eager curiosity.

Her soul would haf chumped pack from him as from ta snake in ta tree. Ta hate in her heart to ta plood of ta Cawmill, would have killed ta chilt of ta Cawmill plood. No, Malcolm! no, my son!" "No, Malcolm; I would haf put my foot upon it, as I would on ta young fiper in ta heather." "Gien I was to turn oot ane o' that ill race, ye wad hate me, than, daddy efter a'! Ochone, daddy!

And as Abel snatched up the light, and hastily descended the steps with Paslew, Hal whispered in Dorothy's ears "Tak care neaw one fonds that chilt, Dolly, if they break in. Hide it safely; an whon they're gone, tak it to't church, and place it near t' altar, where no ill con cum to it or thee. Mey life may hong upon it."

I'm a weaver, I were in a fact'ry when a chilt, but I ha' gotten een to see wi' and eern to year wi'. I read in th' papers every 'Sizes, every Sessions and you read too I know it! with dismay how th' supposed unpossibility o' ever getting unchained from one another, at any price, on any terms, brings blood upon this land, and brings many common married fok to battle, murder, and sudden death.

"Doan't yo go too far on t' fells, missy. It's coomin' on to snaw, an it'll snaw aw neet. Lor bless yer, it's wild here i' winter. An when t' clouds coom down like yon " he pointed up the valley "even them as knaws t' fells from a chilt may go wrang." "Where does this path lead?" said Hester, absently.

'The chilt looks as thoo she'd been fed on spiders or frogs, or summat o' that soart. At this moment David came in, just in time to prevent another explosion from Louie.