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"Oh! pop corn!" shouted Sedley and Sibyl, running, and each seizing an ear. "Oh! pop torn!" echoed the cherub, throwing down her rag baby. So the shovel was run into the ashes, and Chany and the three little ones set to work to shell the corn. Quiet was again restored, and Caroline, who, all through the hubbub, had kept her finger faithfully upon "island," continued her reading.

She had once brought Nurse Smith a small china image, hoping that it would be an agreeable surprise; but that had not been successful either. "Lor', my dear, don't you go spending your money on me," she said. "Chany ornaments ain't much good for anything, to my thinking, 'cept to ketch the dust."

"Miss Calline she too proud to tetch pig-tails," grinned Chany. "'F cose she is," Mammy answered, bridling. She was very vain of Miss Caroline's daintiness. The baby was now laid in his crib.

"There, now, you done woke up your little brother," she said, when, the nose being blown, she again returned to trying to jolt baby Joe to sleep. "He jest had drapped off into a doze." "Oh, chilluns, le's pop some corn!" Chany now exclaimed. "Here's a whole sight of it," she went on, as she searched a basket, which she had unearthed from the closet.

They run up big, fancy brick and frame things, all turns and gables and gay as frosted picnic pie, and work and slave to git these very carpets you say ain't healthy, and the chairs you say you wouldn't give house room, an' they use their grandmother's chany for bakin', scraps, and grease dishes, and hide it if they's visitors.

"She ain't chany, I tell yer; she's jest Injy rubber," said Flibbertigibbet scornfully but with a note of anxiety in her voice. At this critical moment the Marchioness reappeared and jumped upon the seat. She had a curious affair in her hand; after placing it to her eyes, she signalled her answer: "I can see them." "See what?" "The freckles." "Wot's she givin' us?"

"But ef I live ter git a cent out'n it," he said to himself, "I'll take the very fust money I kin call my own an' buy Tennessee a chany cup an' sarcer, an' a string o' blue beads an' a caliky coat ef I die fur it." His pleased reverie was broken by a sudden discovery. He was not standing among stones about the great bowlder; no his foot had sunk deep in the sand!

Father never believed a word about it, when we recited it again to him. "So Faith 'a come into her fortune, has she?" said he. "Pretty child! She 'a'n't had so much before sence she fell heir to old Miss Devereux's best chany, her six silver spoons, and her surname." So the days passed, and the greater part of every one Mr. Gabriel was dabbling in the water somewhere.

You must bring your mind to your circumstances, Bessy, and not be thinking o' silver and chany; but whether you shall get so much as a flock-bed to lie on, and a blanket to cover you, and a stool to sit on.

Deane, rather loftily; "we can do with extra things in our house." "Best things!" exclaimed Mrs. Glegg, with severity, which had gathered intensity from her long silence. "It drives me past patience to hear you all talking o' best things, and buying in this, that, and the other, such as silver and chany.