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A dissatisfied frown settled on his face. "Yes, of course, you are perfectly right. The thing's written like a cafe chantant skit, not a political satire. But what's a man to do? If I write decently the public won't understand it; they will say it's dull if it isn't spiteful enough." "Don't you think spitefulness manages to be dull when we get too much of it?"

I had no idea of the type you so well represent, the dark, fine eyes, the strong physique, and the impetuous disposition which suggests the South rather than the North; and to-night you look so unlike the accepted cafe chantant picture of the ever-dancing Highlander that you might in very truth be a Florentine in more points than the dress which so well becomes you.

Molière was ready with his sparkling satires at the king's caprice, and into the garden danced the players before an audience to whom vaudeville and café chantant were exclusively a royal novelty arranged for their delectation.

"They are not at all tragic: they are the only comedies left us, as one must amuse one's self somewhere, and the club de la Vengeance is the prettiest thing of the sort going. I quite understand why it should fascinate a poet like your son, M. Rameau. It is held in a salle de cafe chantant style Louis Quinze decorated with a pastoral scene from Watteau. I and my dog Fox drop in.

"And what lies over there?" she asked, pointing to the east. "Over there is the coast of Africa. Don't you see the lighthouse on Cape Bon? If it wasn't for Gibraltar being in the way, I could show you the harbor lights of Bizerta, and the terraces of Algiers shining like a café chantant in the night." "Algiers," sighed Hope, "where you were a soldier of Africa, and rode across the deserts.

The church is cheap and big, and the headman and native teacher are both unhealthily contented. 'Well, what's the matter? said Manners; 'it's the way we do these little things in Africa. White men don't build churches from base to spire on ideal principles exactly, do they. Bishop? 'At least we haven't had a cafe chantant lately, the Bishop said.

For the same reason his daughter, who he said "in the times" had played the violin well, had never touched her instrument since the funeral. There was one special song we heard very often rising up from the Café Chantant, in the room at the dug-out. When I went round there to have supper with them we listened to it entranced.

But Nadaud, like Cyrano de Bergerac, if asked what gave him most delectation, would certainly have replied "Lorsque j'ai fait un vers et que je l'aime, Je me paye en me le chantant a moi-meme." Here is the boy's daily programme when a twelve-year-old student at the College Rollin, Paris.

She had a recollection of stepping from her cab into a crowded sailors' café chantant, of pushing past chairs and tables and hurrying out through a side door, of a high wind tearing at her hair and hat, as she and Durkin still hurried down narrow, stone-paved streets, of catching the smell of salt water and the musky odor of shipping, of a sharp altercation with an obdurate customs officer in blue uniform and tall peaked cap, who stubbornly barred their way with a bare and glittering bayonet against her husband's breast, while she glibly and perseveringly lied to him, first in French, and then in English, and then in Italian.

I had hardly lived the life I had in Paris for the last thirty months, to now, in the moment of success and freedom, mar its remembrance by even so much as a chance kiss to a cafe chantant girl. For a second we looked at each other.