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In short, he is a very honest, sensible, and informed man; 'mais me paye pas beaucoup de sa figure; il abuse meme du privilege qu'ont les hommes d'etre laids; et il ne sera pas en reste avec les lions et les leopards qu'il trouvera a Alger'.

Against drunkenness be it also decreed that if any private person be found culpable thereof, for the first time he is to be reprooved privately by the Minister, the second time publiquely, the thirde time to lye in boltes 12 howers in the house of the Provost Marshall & to paye his fee, and if he still continue in that vice, to undergo suche severe punishment as the Governor and Counsell of Estate shall thinke fitt to be inflicted on him.

Symptomatic, surely, of a haggly settlement, these THREE shots instead of one! "Voltaire's return is: "'Pour quittance generale de tout compte solde entre nous, tout paye au sieur abraham hersch a berlin, 16 Decembre, 1750. Voltaire' "'Account all settled between us, payment of the Sieur Abraham Hirsch in full: Berlin, 16th Deember, 1750. Tush, cannot we make all that good!

I am convinced we might have kept Guadaloupe, if our negotiators had known how to have gone about it. His most faithful Majesty of Portugal is the best off of anybody in this, transaction, for he saves his kingdom by it, and has not laid out one moidore in defense of it. Spain, thank God, in some measure, 'paye les pots cassis'; for, besides St.

I am convinced we might have kept Guadaloupe, if our negotiators had known how to have gone about it. His most faithful Majesty of Portugal is the best off of anybody in this, transaction, for he saves his kingdom by it, and has not laid out one moidore in defense of it. Spain, thank God, in some measure, 'paye les pots cassis'; for, besides St.

When he had become somewhat calmer, he composed those admirable verses, To a Man: Philosophe indulgent, ministre citoyen, Qui ne cherchas le vrai que pour faire le bien, Qui d'un peuple léger et trop ingrat peut-être Préparais le bonheur et celui de son maître, Ce qu'on nomme disgrace a payé tes bienfaits. Le vrai prix de travail n'est que de vivre en paix.

Il y a une chose bien charmante en lui, c'est que, bien qu'il soit a la tete d'une grande maison, il n'a jamais l'air presse et vous ecoute avec une patience parfaite. "Ce que tu me dis de 'mon courage au travail et a la lutte' me paye pour bien des heures de besogne. Tout ce qui me decourage parfois, c'est ma faible sante qui m'oblige souvent a paraitre paresseux sous peine d'etre malade.

It is interesting to note that "All alients for roulinge on the sande te paye pr tonn IId."; which does not refer to any merry sport of rolling on the sands, as sometimes practised by exhilarated visitors, but to rolling of fish. It was doubtless a useful provision that "noe garbadge of ffishe or stinkinge ffishe should be cast above full sea marke att neape tide on the sande."

8 mars. Je vous remercie de votre sympathie, my dear Sir. J'y comptais. Vous etes un des anciens temoins de ma vie et de mon bonheur. Il a ete grand; mais le bonheur se paye. Je me soumets douloureusement mais sans murmure. La vie est ainsi faite. C'est pour mon gendre Cornelis de Witt que je ressens une pitie profonde.

In speaking of the different natural agents which, as well as the land, co-operate with the labours of man, he observes, 'Heureusement personne n'a pu dire le vent et le soleil m'appartiennent, et le service qu'ils rendent doit m'etre paye. And, though he acknowledges that, for obvious reasons, property in land is necessary, yet he evidently considers rent as almost exclusively owing to such appropriation, and to external demand.