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But when they opened the door there was Barbara Gordon, also bound for Miss Kingston's office, and much relieved to find that her committee were not all waiting indignantly for their chairman's tardy arrival. So whatever Jean had meant to say to Betty in private necessarily went unsaid. And then, after all her worriment, Jean was the best Shylock!

The chairman's breach of his own rules drowned the termination of his speech in an uproar. Re-seating himself, he lifted his glass, and proposed: 'The Antediluvians! Farmer Broadmead echoed: 'The Antediloovians! appending, as a private sentiment, 'And dam rum chaps they were! The Antediluvians, undoubtedly the toast of the evening, were enthusiastically drunk, and in an ale of treble brew.

"But your worships may not be aware and as merciful men may be glad to hear that this poor creature's offence against the Sabbath was committed under stress. Her mother and grandfather have starved this week through, as I happen to know." "That may or may not be," put in Mr. Trask a dry-complexioned, stubborn, malignant-looking man, seated next on the Chairman's right.

The Cabinet being assembled in September, 1862, to consider the first draft of the Emancipation Act, those not yet familiar with the chairman's habit to supply a whet before the main dish, were startled that he should preface the business by reading the New York paper Vanity Fair continuing the series of "Artemus Ward's" tour with his show. This paper was the "High-handed Outrage at Utica."

Engineer, not to tell us that difficulties exist, but to show us how to surmount them! I thought it rather a severe rebuke at the time, but very often since, when I have been tempted to allow my handicaps to divert me from my duty, I have been glad that I heard the poor engineer censured. I was once deeply and permanently impressed by a chairman's speech at a meeting in Exeter Hall.

At this point Betty and Nita joined it, and they had the exquisite pleasure of seeing Bob blush so red that there was no need for a candle this time, then turn very white, and clinging to the chairman's arm insist that there must be some blunder it couldn't be she that they wanted.

"Ruth Josselin," he continued, "has suffered the scourge for having resisted Beadle Shadbolt in the discharge of his duty, and for unlawful wounding." "Excuse me," put in Mr. Somershall, speaking across from the Chairman's left. Mr. Somershall was afflicted with deafness, but liked to assert himself whenever a word by chance reached him and gave him a cue.

He looked up steadily into the chairman's face, and firmly said, "There is nothing in this world that I fear." Then he hung his head, and presently he raised it and added, "I will tell you all about it." At that moment he shifted his position so as to bring the beam of light perpendicularly across his face and chest, and it seemed to split him in twain.

I kept on talking athletics, however, and the chairman was good enough to ask me to dine with him. After dinner we played billiards and he beat me. At 6:45 we adjourned to his room. He and his committee excused themselves to hold their meeting in a room on the floor below. I was smoking one of the chairman's cigars, and was congratulating myself that things looked encouraging.

The chairman's neighbour, Drummond, whispered him 'Laxley will get up a row with that fellow. 'It 's young Jocelyn egging him on, said the chairman. 'Um! added Drummond: 'it's the friend of that talkative rascal that 's dangerous, if it comes to anything. Mr. Raikes perceived that his host desired him to conclude.