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Some of the pieces had moth-holes, which necessitated the addition of 'supplementary ornamental motives, 'embroidered on cloth to conceal the defects. The discovery of 're-embroidery' was the result of this enforced expedient. "This screen, finished in 1896, was exhibited at the Cercle Artistique, Brussels, where the mayor, M. Buls, saw it.

By-by, you'll see me again, and all the chaps I can pick up at the Cercle and the hotels near." Then our procession passed on, the Colonel and gendarmes leading, Tiler and I with l'Echelle close behind. We found my lord awaiting us.

As his Majesty was near me, talking to some lady during the cercle, I stepped forward so as to attract his attention. He soon moved toward me, and I, against all the rules of etiquette, was the first to speak. "Your Majesty," said I, "I sat next to the Baron at breakfast and was not spared the salad problem." "How did he have it this time?" asked the Emperor.

Obscurities which had puzzled him were made clear. But he was still unaware how Hanaud had worked out the solution. "You promised me that you would explain," he said, when they were both together after the trial was over at Aix. The two men had just finished luncheon at the Cercle and were sitting over their coffee. Hanaud lighted a cigar.

Their Majesties devoted themselves exclusively to the Army after dinner; but they sent word by a chamberlain that we were to commence dancing, though they had not finished the cercle. Waldteufel was already seated at the piano, waiting. The officers danced vigorously. The elder ones ventured on quadrilles, and danced them with great gusto.

Again a meeting of the council of state was called, and at it M. Lontane revealed the meaning of those cabalistic letters and the leadership of Kelly. He had tracked down the fishermen and found their headquarters at the dance hall. At the Cercle Bougainville there was an uproar. Merchants drank twice their stint of liquor in their indignation.

They then asked Gorka to relieve them from their duty. They had too plausible an excuse in Fanny's betrothal for Boleslas to refuse to release them. That retirement was a second catastrophe. In his impatience to find other seconds who would be firm, Gorka hastened to the Cercle de la Chasse.

At landing I discovered that the bandsmen had stolen away the sleeping Mamoe, and had carried her aboard the Potii Moorea, and deposited her in the hold. She emerged fresh from her nap, and apparently ready for an upaupa that night. We marched to the Cercle Bougainville to recall the incidents of the excursion over a comforting Dr. Funk.

"Shall we go?" he suggested. She rose with alacrity. Side by side they strolled through the rooms towards the Cercle Privé. "I am sorry," Draconmeyer said regretfully, "but I am forced to leave you now. I will take you back to your place and after that I must go to the hotel and change. I have a reception to attend. I wish you would take the rest of my winnings and see what you can do with them."

Hamerton in Autun, but knowing that he was President Honoraire du Cercle National, a Liberal institution patronized by the Sous-Prefet and Republican Deputies, M. Tremplier thought it would be a master-stroke to defame his character by accusing him of being the author of some anonymous articles against the clergy which had appeared in "La Republique du Morvan."