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Lunched at the Cercle Artistique et Litteraire, Rue Volney. Only the old servants remain. The club is no longer open to non-member dinner guests. The price of meals is reduced to three and a half francs for lunch, and to four francs for dinner, including wine, mineral water, beer, or cider. There is great scarcity of small change.

Candeille and Chauvelin had since then met at the "Cercle des Jacobins Francais" in Soho Street, and now fair Desiree found herself in lodgings in Richmond, the evening of the day following the Gala, feeling that her luck had not altogether deserted her. One conversation with Citizen Chauvelin had brought the fickle jade back to Demoiselle Candeilles' service.

It was Lord Mount Edgcumbe who first suggested that as there was an afternoon dance that day at the Cercle Nautique de la Mediterranee, they should all adjourn to the club and dance vigorously, just to show what sturdy, hard-bitten dogs they were, to whom a strenuous three-mile pull in a heavy sea was a mere trifle, even though some of them were forty years old.

As we passed, it was wrapped in snow; the Cat's Tooth, that towers between Aixe and Chambéry, and that lifts into the sky a great cross two hundred feet in height, was all white, the pine-trees around the lake were white, the streets were white, the Casino des Fleurs, the Cercle, the hotels.

There he made the discovery that one amused himself more than at the Cercle Royale, and spent considerably less than in the arts, and that at one hundred francs a week he aroused an enthusiasm for the Bourbons which almost attained the proportions of a riot.

Her son-in-law, that born gambler, at the Grand Cercle! No more smiles for Micheline; henceforth she had a terrible rival the devouring love of play. Then Madame Desvarennes reflected. The husband's deserting his fireside would be salvation for herself. The door by which he went out, would serve as an entrance for her.

Immediately after breakfast, or what passed for it at Roville, he set out for the Hotel Cercle de la Mediterranee to hand over the two louis to their owner. Lady Julia, he was informed on arrival, was out. The porter, politely genial, advised monsieur to seek her on the Promenade des Etrangers. She was there, on the same seat where she had left the book. 'Good morning, he said.

The cercle always follows each repast, and dancing or music always follows the cercle. Tea is served at the Emperor's salon at eleven o'clock, after which their Majesties retire, and you do the same. November 26th. DEAR M., A very embarrassing thing happened to me this morning. We thought we could manage an excursion to the town. I wanted to see the Cathedral, and it did not seem far away.

No entente cordiale could ever be cemented after that lingual blast. The consuls all had honorary memberships in the Cercle Militaire, and none of them entered the Cercle Bougainville, it not being de rigueur.

"I was going to the Cercle Anglais," the Baron answered. "Do you belong?" "I am up for a month's membership, but I am not elected yet," Duncombe answered. "Then you shall come in as my guest," the Baron declared. "You are exceedingly kind," Duncombe answered. "I wonder whether I might presume still further upon your good nature and ask you a question."