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Her disdain implied that if he were fit for nothing better than sheep-herding, the West could find precious little use for him. "It was all I could get to do." "Where did you say you wrangled Mary's little lamb?" "In the Catalinas." "Whose outfit?" Question and answer were tossed back and forth lightly, but both were watching warily. "Outfit?" he repeated, puzzled. "Yes. Who were you working for?"

From their home in the Chiracahua Mountains they rode westward across the wide reaches of the Sulphur Springs valley to the ridges of the Catalinas away beyond the San Pedro, then turned southward, making their way toward Mexico by the Whetstone and the Huachuca ranges.

Dunke was at the head of the gang that held up that train. We got nabbed, me and Jim. Burch got shot in the Catalinas by one of the rangers, and Smith died of fever in Sonora. But Dunke, curse him, he sneaks out and buys the officers off with our plunder. That's what he done let his partners get railroaded through while he sails out slick and easy. But he made one mistake, Mr. Dunke did.

Wrightson. I never saw any sheep in the range, nor do I know of any one more fortunate than myself in that respect. In days gone by the Santa Catalinas, the Rincon, and the Tucson Mountains were the most prolific hunting grounds for the market men. So far as I can remember, the first brought to the market here were subsequent to the coming of the railroad in 1880.

Those killed by the Logans came from the Tucson Mountains; those killed by the Mexicans from the Santa Catalinas, and those killed by the Indians probably from the Baboquivari or Comobabi ranges. I questioned the hunters repeatedly, but they never gave me a satisfactory answer. "Although I never saw the sheep, I have repeatedly seen evidence of them in both the ranges named.

They were killed in the Tucson Mountains by the 'Logan boys, well known hunters at that time. Later the Logans made a strike in the mines and disappeared. For several years no sheep were seen, but finally Mexicans began killing them in the Santa Catalinas, and occasionally six or eight would be hung up in the market at the same time.

You see, Sheriff Burke is moving up to cut them off from the Catalinas, Jackson is riding out from Mammoth to haid them off that way, these anxious lads that have just pulled out from here are taking care of the Galiuros. I'm supposed to be sitting with my fingers on the keys as a sort of posse dispatcher." "Well, I hope you won't catch them," she told him bluntly.

Ninon de l'Enclos and Marian Delorme have alone played, in France, the role of the Imperias, Catalinas, and Maranas who, in preceding centuries, gathered around them the cassock, gown, and sword. An Imperia built I forget which church in Rome in a frenzy of repentance, as Rhodope built, in earlier times, a pyramid in Egypt.

You said you had been herding sheep, but you didn't know what an outfit is. You wobbled between the Galiuros and the Catalinas." "I'm not a native. I told you I couldn't remember Spanish names." "It wasn't necessary to tell me," she countered quickly. "A man that can't recall even the name of his boss!" "I'm not in the witness box, Miss Lee," he told her stiffly.

"The Superstition and the Santa Catalinas are the very essence of ruggedness, but notwithstanding this I am constrained to believe that the days of big game are nearly numbered in Arizona. The reasons for this are readily apparent. The mountain ranges are more or less mineralized. To this there is hardly an exception. There is no place so wild and forbidding that the prospector will not enter it.