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Fortunately, there was plenty of employment for him in the line of carting materials or driving the hay wagons and harrows, and his father, finding that he could be trusted with such duties, allowed him, before he reached his teens, to drive a 'bus or stage between Georgetown and the neighboring villages entirely by himself.

Nearly 200 men had been killed and wounded a sad diminution of our little army, which, had it long continued, would have entirely decimated the Delhi Field Force. The enemy, however, had suffered most severely, their loss amounting to quite 1,000 men; and the next morning they were seen for hours carting the dead bodies into the city.

You can have a little hole in the end of one of them through which you can stick a pen-holder, and then you can write letters. An india-rubber bag, filled with hot water, to lower down your back, is a great comfort. You haven't any idea how cold your spine gets in those warm countries. And, if I were you, I'd avoid a place where you see them carting coal stoves around. Those are the worst spots.

She being exceeding good, shall endeavor to save her life till you can send hay for her. The non-arrival of provisions for the men and of hay for the oxen Mr. Simonds deplores as likely to overthrow all pans for the winter. They had intended to use the oxen to sled wood and lime-stone a much easier way than carting in the summer.

Movements produced in this way are vital movements, while mechanical movements are those in which the stored energy of a living body is not involved. The explosion is analogous to vital movements, the carting about to mechanical movements. Mechanical movements are of no interest to the psychologist, and it has only been necessary to define them in order to be able to exclude them.

"We'll want some of the landing of the boats, and the carting of the fish up to the sheds," Blake reminded him. "That's right, we will. I guess I can " Joe did not finish his sentence. At that moment there came a jar and Blake cried: "We've hit something!" "No, something has hit us!" corrected one of the fishermen, leaping up, and grabbing a long, iron-shod pole. "What is it?" demanded Joe.

"And will the chemical analysis show what explosive was used?" "No; it will only show of what the débris is composed. It will settle the question whether or not the gold is in that dust-heap. If it is, then I think the Government will owe me some thanks, because the Director of Police talked of carting the rubbish away and dumping it out of sight somewhere.

Wood over here!" "Where's Andy Blair?" "I don't know. Oh you Swipes! What you got!" "All right! This'll make a flare, all right!" "Oh, for the love of Peter! Look what Swipes has!" Harry, otherwise "Swipes" Morton, was convoying four laboring and perspiring freshmen who were carting over the campus a big box that had ones contained a piano. "Oh, you Swipes!" "Where'd you crab that?"

I figgered that if it had bumped off Miller, I wouldn't want to be carting around with me, any longer than I had to, several hundred yards of rope and twine, like you said he had to have. Not with troopers snoopin' around and asking questions mebbe that might be hard to answer. "I asks myself what would I do with it?

Not long before they had defeated regular troops in a pitched battle on the Marsh, and on the very day I went away I remember we couldn't do our carting because the smugglers had given us notice they would need our horses in the evening. They were a power in the land where there was violence enough without them, God knows! Our position on that Street put us in the midst of it all.