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We left Boston in a blustering snow-storm on the morning of February 25th, and reached New York city to find it also clothed in a wintry garb, Broadway being lined on either side of its entire length with tall piles of snow, like haycocks, prepared for carting away during the coming night.

I kept asking myself. "Where does he come from?" I knew all the country gentry for twenty or thirty miles round, and knew all their dogs. Not one of them had a spaniel like that. How did he come to be in the depths of the forest, on a track used for nothing but carting timber?

The French line of barricades was but the third line of defence here, and only the streets had been fortified, not the houses; but by the Austrian retreat it had become the first, and the worn-out French sailors would have hastily to do more weary fatigue-work carting more materials to strengthen this contact point.

"A nice bit of ground and there's all the clay you'll need ready to hand. But it'll cost a deal of hard work to drain and clear it I've thought over that many a time. As for the building timber you shall have all you want, and help for the carting. But all the same, we must fix a price for Koskela as a whole, and make a fair division." "There's nothing to divide, I tell you.

O'Grady, "you know that filly the Major bought at the fair." "I've heard of her," said Doyle. "Well, as it happens," said Dr. O'Grady, "she turns out to be a bit too good for what he wants. His idea was to get something to do a bit of carting, and it turns out that this one is well, she has breeding. Now, look here, Doyle " He led Doyle apart just out of earshot of the Major and Gallagher.

"Deary me! it's a change of times now! Lord knows what rubbish I am carting here, come from nobody guesses where! They fill me with small deer, these negroes, Bedouin Arabs, swashbucklers, adventurers from every land, and ragged settlers who poison me with their pipes, and all jabbering a language that the Tower of Babel itself could make nothing of!

But Vandine paid no heed to her calls, and after a pause she turned back into the room to answer Stevie's demand for a cup of milk. Along about the middle of the afternoon, while Sandy MacPherson was still carting sawdust, and Vandine tending his circular amid the bewildering din, Stevie and some other children came down to play around the mill.

The circus is there, you know." "Yes," said Andy longingly. "Took them early, so they could look around town. They're going to stay all night with some relations, Mr. Dale isn't, though. He ought to be back by this time. He's due now. Was talking of carting a couple of loads of hay over to Gregson's this morning." Andy's heart sank at this. He did not tell the man about the fire.

Down in the ten-acre lot the boys were carting and spreading loam; out in the barn her father was getting his plows ready; over the hill rose the smoke of the distant factory, and the river that turned the wheels was gliding through the meadows, where soon the blackbirds would be singing.

"Gee, this is fierce!" groaned a fat freshman, staggering along under the burden of two big boxes. "Those fellows want too much. I'm going to quit!" "Look out! Don't let 'em hear you!" warned a companion. "They'll keep you carting it all night if you kick." "Kick! "Oh, well, it's all in the game. We'll be out of this class next term, and we can watch the other fellows sweat! Cut along!" "Wood!