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As has been previously referred to, there always exists a peculiar suspension of carpal flexion in all cases of carpitis. Non-infective wounds which may cause open joint are not necessarily productive of an active carpitis a synovitis may be the extent of the disturbance.

Inflammation of the carpus is caused by contusions, such as are occasioned in falling, by kicks by striking the carpus against objects in jumping and sometimes by striking it against the manger in pawing. The condition is of rather frequent occurrence. Symptomatology. Evident symptoms of inflammation in carpitis are always present hyperthermia, supersensitiveness and swelling.

In some of these cases, subjects are stumblers and when they are carelessly handled or kept at fast work over irregular or hard roads, chronic carpitis with hyperplasia of the structures of the anterior carpal region results, owing to frequent bruising from falls. Where inflammation is caused by a puncture wound and subfascial infection occurs, there is evident manifestation of pain.

Many fully developed cases of contraction of the tendons of the carpal flexors are observed where the condition has become established gradually and no lameness has resulted from tendinitis or carpitis.

Where ligaments have not been destroyed to the extent that reduction is of no practical use, the parts are kept immobilized, if thought necessary. Later, vesication of the whole pericarpal region is done and the subject allowed exercise at will. Carpitis. Etiology and Occurrence.

In acute carpitis, there is present, then, a very painful condition which involves the articulation, causing marked lameness, disturbance of appetite and some elevation of temperature.

However, in most instances, the practitioner's attention is not directed to typical and uncomplicated cases, but to subacute or chronic inflammations which are often attended with contraction of the tendinous parts of the carpal flexors, and in such cases carpitis is present.