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This district which including within its limits the pretty village I write from, as well as Clifden and Ballynahinch, lies mainly between the seashore and a line drawn from Leenane to Carna has, during the last twelve months become disturbed in such wise that it is impossible to shut one's eyes to the fact that here, as in Mayo, a sort of dead set is being made against grazing farmers.

There was a large fire burning for every dish. Every one whose complexion was white, sat down with us at table. All the dishes, consisting of cold roast beef, black beans with boiled carna secca, potatoes, rice, manioc flour, and boiled manioc roots, were placed upon the table at the same time, and every one helped himself as he pleased.

Fazenda is equivalent to our word "plantation." Kabi is African grass, which is planted all over the Brazils, as grass never grows there of its own accord. It is very high and reed-like. All through Brazil, carna secca is one of the principal articles of food, both for whites and blacks.

I have never yet witnessed a sugar-harvest, but, perhaps, may do so in the course of my travels. All work ceases at sunset, when the negroes are drawn up in front of their master's house for the purpose of being counted, and then, after a short prayer, have their supper, consisting of boiled beans, bacon, carna secca, and manioc flour, handed out to them.

To children, Janus performed the office of door-keeper or midwife; and in this quality was assisted by the goddess Opis or Ops; Cuma rocked the cradle, while Carmenta sung their destiny; Levana lifted them up from the ground; and Vegetanus took care of them when they cried; Rumina watched them while they suckled; Polina furnished them with drink; and Edura with food or nourishment; Osslago knit their bones; and Carna strengthened their constitutions.

Then the charioteer fell amongst the horses, and Conall Carna, the beauty of the Ultonians the battle-winning and ever-victorious son of Amargin, was shot out in front upon the road, and fell there upon his left shoulder, and his beautiful raiment was defiled with dust; and when he arose his left hand hung by his side, for the shoulder-bone was driven from the socket, owing to the violence of the fall.

The skirts of his mantle were torn, only a rag remained round his shoulders, fastened by the brooch; he was covered with blood, his own and his enemies', and his eyes were like burning fire. Then Conall Carna being enraged ran towards the boys, meaning to rebuke their cowardice and with his strong hands hurl them asunder and save the stranger boy.

The boy who sits in front of him and below him on the champion's seat I do not know, but he shines like a star in the cloud of dust and steam." Then a young man who stood near to Conall Carna, wearing a short, red cloak with a blue hood to it, and a tassel at the point of the hood, said to Conall

Observe narrowly the behaviour and disposition of the lads, and report all things clearly to me on the morrow." So saying, he moved one of the pieces on the board, and Conall Carna strode away southwards to where the boys were already dividing themselves into two parties for a match at hurling. That son of Amargin was the handsomest youth of all the province.

This goddess had a temple at Rome, and her offerings were milk. On the Kalends of June, sacrifices were offered to Carna, of bacon and bean flour cakes; whence they were called Fabariae. Boys were named always on the ninth day after the birth, and girls on the eighth. From Pavorema vertendo. She had a temple at Home which always stood open. She had a temple without the walls.