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Testa obtecte perforata, lenticulari-depressa, orbicularis, carinata, crassiuscula, superne fulva, radiato-striata, minutissime granulata, carina acuta, superne subcrenulata, basi convexa, nitidissima, griseo-albida, radiatim substriata ad umbilicum declivens; spira convexiuscula; anfractus 5, planulati; apertura angulato-lunaris, intus margaritacea; peristoma simplex, basi incrassatum, ad columellam expansiusculum.

Eagles, golden, new mates found by. Ear, motion of the; external shell of the, useless in man; rudimentary point of the, in man. Ears, more variable in men than women; piercing and ornamentation of the. Earwigs, parental feeling in. Echidna. Echini, bright colours of some. Echinodermata, absence of secondary sexual characters in. Echis carinata.

Pleurotomaria carinata, Sowerby. Mountain Limestone. Euomphalus pentangulatus, Sowerby. Mountain Limestone. a. Upper side. b. Lower or umbilical side. c. View showing mouth, which is less pentagonal in older individuals. d. Euomphalus is a characteristic univalve shell of this period.

The deadly Echis carinata has on its sides some oblique rows of scales of a peculiar structure with serrated edges; and when this snake is excited these scales are rubbed against each other, which produces "a curious prolonged, almost hissing sound." Dr. Anderson, 'Proc. Zoolog. Hence he is satisfied that one of the uses of the rattle is to bring the sexes together.

Hence, though both sand and mud originated simultaneously, the one near the land, the other far from it, the sands in every locality where a shore became submerged might constitute the underlying deposit. Ostrea columba. Syn. Gryphaea columba. Ostrea carinata. Chalk marl and chloritic sand. Terebrirostra lyra, Sowerby. Pecten 5-costatus. White chalk and chloritic sand.