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Exerceat, Observe the subj. to express the views of others, not of the author. Secura agens. Requiring less anxious thought and mental acumen, and proceeding more by physical force. Secura==minus anxia. Dr. Cf. note, His. 1, 1. Obtusior==minus acuta. Togatos. Gall., Exc. Remissionumque. The Greeks and Romans both used the pl. of many abstracts, of which we use only the sing.

To attempt to describe this noise to those who have heard it would be in vain; and to aim at giving any idea of it to those who have never heard the like, would be still more vain: for it may be truly said Non acuta Sic geminant Corybantes aera. The priests of Cybele do not so rattle their sounding brass. In short, a footman knocked, or rather thundered, at the door.

Ammophila, on the jaws of. Ammotragus tragelaphus, hairy forelegs of. Amphibia, affinity of, to the ganoid fishes; vocal organs of the. Amphibians, breeding whilst immature. Amphioxus. Amphipoda, males sexually mature while young. Amunoph III., negro character of, features of. Anal appendages of insects. Analogous variation in the plumage of birds. Anas. Anas acuta, male plumage of.

Testa dextrorsa, rimata, subcylindracea, turrita, decollata, dense capillaceo-costulata, corneo-lutea, maculis obscuris flavidis; sutura impressa; anfractus 11, convexiusculi; apertura pyriformis, columella triplicata, plica inferior maxima, conspicua, elevata, acuta, spiralis; peristoma continuum, solutum. Long. 18 Diam. 4 Apert 4 mill.

The Wild Duck is included in Professor Ansted's list, and marked as occurring in Guernsey and Sark. There is no specimen at present in the Museum. PINTAIL. Dafila acuta, Linnaeus. French, "Pilet," "Canard pilet." The Pintail is an occasional autumn and Winter visitant, but never very common. I have one specimen, a female, killed in Guernsey in November, 1871, and this Mr.

These will exist, for the future, I trust, only in the poetic strains, which the feelings at the time called forth. In those only, gentle reader, Affectus animi varios, bellumque sequacis Perlegis invidiae, curasque revolvis inanes, Quas humilis tenero stylus olim effudit in aevo. Perlegis et lacrymas, et quod pharetratus acuta Ille puer puero fecit mihi cuspide vulnus.

Clethra, Rhodora, Sanguinaria, Viola debilis, Viola acuta, Dracoena borealis, Rhexia, Cypripedium, Corallorhiza verna, Orchis spectabilis, with others of less note, have been rooted out by the so-called hand of improvement.

Quechua, see Quichua. Querquedula acuta. Quetelet, proportion of sexes in man; relative size in man and woman. Quichua Indians; local variation of colour in the; no grey hair among the; hairlessness of the; long hair of the. Quiscalus major, proportions of the sexes of, in Florida and Honduras. Rabbit, white tail of the.