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This precocious little rascal, named Felippo, was the best interpreter that could be found, which is saying little, for his Spanish was bad and mainly picked up in the camps from the rude soldiery, and his Peruvian was only an uncouth dialect of the highly inflected and most flexible and expressive Quichua, the language of the educated, indeed of the most of the people.

Ralph V. Chamberlain: Results of Yale Peruvian Expedition of 1911. The Arachnida. Bulletin of Museum of Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College, LX, No. 6, 177-299, 1916. 25 pl. Frank M. Chapman: The Distribution of Bird Life in the Urubamba Valley of Peru. U.S. National Museum Bulletin 117, 138 pp., 1921. 9 pl., map. O. F. Cook: Quichua Names of Sweet Potatoes.

They all had to suffer very cruel deaths and some were burnt. Notwithstanding his wounds my Father lived for three days." Another version is given by Montesinos in his Anales. It is more like Titu Cusi's. A Spanish derivative from the Quichua mucha, "a kiss." Muchani means "to adore, to reverence, to kiss the hands." Uiticos is probably derived from Uiticuni, meaning "to withdraw to a distance."

He looked at the Inca like a man looking at a re-embodied spirit, and said to him in Quichua, 'I am not he who has brought you back to life, but my friend here, who is a great and skilled physician, and master of the arts of life and death. You are in his house, and safe, for we are friends, and have nursed you back to health and waking life after your long sleep.

Their masters, however, were always interested to see that "Checkers" could understand English. They had never seen a dog that could understand anything but Quichua! On the hillside near La Raya, Mr. Cook, Mr. Gilbert, and I visited a healthy potato field at an elevation of 14,500 feet, a record altitude for potatoes.

By degrees he learned English quite well and even how to read and write it, teaching me in return much of his own language which he called Quichua, a soft and beautiful tongue, though he said that there were also many others in his country, including one that was secret to the King and his family, which he was not allowed to reveal although he knew it.

Yet I warn you that although in the great war that has been, if with much loss, we have held our own against all the hosts of Cuzco and won an honourable peace, by this marriage of ours, which robs the Inca god of one of a thousand brides, that peace is broken. Therefore in the future, as in the past, there will be war between the Quichua and the Chanca peoples." "We know it," shouted the nobles.

We reached the edge of a deep ravine, which appeared to bar our further progress. Don Jose, however, without making any remark, continued climbing on along it; and at length I saw what appeared to be a rope stretched across the chasm. "Hasten, master! hasten!" I heard Isoro cry out: I knew enough of the Quichua language to understand him.

As for Tiahuana, the denunciation had fallen upon him with such paralysing effect that he had simply translated Escombe's message as nearly word for word as the Quichua language would permit, with the air and aspect of a man speaking under the influence of some fantastically horrible dream.

Excellent blankets, renowned in southern Peru for their weight and texture, are made here on hand looms. Notwithstanding the altitude nearly as great as the top of Pike's Peak the stocky inhabitants of Santa Rosa are hardy, vigorous, and energetic. Ricardo Charaja, the best Quichua assistant we ever had, came from Santa Rosa. Nearly all the citizens are of pure Indian stock.