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But the care of gentle hands and the power of gladsome emotions had wrought miraculously on the man, body and soul. "I's heerd massa an' Cappin Fizzroy talkin' about you," said the negro, crossing his arms on his chest and regarding his questioner with a somewhat quizzical expression. "Ha! I thought so. I am wanted, eh?" "Well, yis, you's wanted, but you's not getted yet so far as I knows." "Ah!

"`Oh! yes, ses de cappin, drawin' out a paper an' readin' it. De bery ting, as like you it was as two pease, even to de small mole on side ob you's nose, but it say not'ing 'bout you's feet.

You see I's in de back kishen at de time an' hear ebery word. `Well, ses massa, awful slow an' unwillin' like, `I cannot deny that Rosco is in the island, but I do assure you, sir, that he is quite unable to do any furder mischief to any one, for an massa stop all of a suddint. "`Well, ses de cappin, `why you not go on? "`Has you a description of him? he asked.

"I would not land armed party at all," answered Waroonga. "But Cappin Fitzgald know his own business most. What he thinks?" "My business and yours are so mingled," returned the captain, "that I look to you for advice.

So much the astounded horse-thief saw with his own eyes; but before he could make good any of the numberless promises he had volunteered, during the morning journey, of killing and eating the whole family of North American Indians, or exemplify the unutterable gratitude and devotion he had as often professed to the fair Virginian, four brawny barbarians, one of them rising at his side and from the very bush whence the bullet had been discharged at his head, rushed against him, flourishing their guns and knives, and yelling with transport, "Got you now, Cappin Stackpole, steal-hoss!

"Ho! you should hab see poor massa's face how it grow long, I most t'ink it also grow a leetil pale, an' missis she give a squeak what she couldn't help, an' Betsy she giv' a groan an' jump up, slap on hers bonnit, back to de front, an' begin to clar out, but de cappin jump up an' stop her. `Many apologies, ses de hipperkrit `for stoppin' a lady, but I don't want any alarm given.

"Nivver mind, lad, we've had a cappin' time sin we set out on t' march to Jerusalem, an' if we wasn't here we'd happen be up to wer oxters i' Flanders muck." "Aye, we've noan done sae badly," Sam Ineson agreed, "and we sall hae summat to crack about when we git back to Wharfedale, choose how.

Clarly he nebber heerd ob dat an' massa he notice dat, seems to me, for he ses, `Well, Cappin Fizzerald, it may be your duty to seize dis pirit and deliber him up to justice, but it's no duty ob mine to help you. "`Oh! as to dat, ses de cappin, `I'll easily find him widout your assistance. I have a party of men with me, and no one knows or even suspects de reason ob my visit.

"Wall, it's a better way than most," Pinetop replied, "an' when the angel begins to foot up my account on Jedgment Day, I shouldn't mind his cappin' the whole list with 'he lost his life, but he didn't lose his flag. To make a blamed good fight is what the Lord wants of us, I reckon, or he wouldn't have made our hands itch so when they touch a musket."

If it was self-assumed, he was still following the precedent set by a vast host of captains, majors, colonels, and generals, who never wore a uniform or hurt anybody. He made his appearance at the little parsonage on the hill-side in Sonora one day, and, thrusting his bare head into the door, he said: "Me Cappin Charley," tapping his chest complacently as he spoke.