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In the interview of the 22d Pinkney confined himself to saying everything "which I thought consistent with candor and discretion to confirm him in his dispositions." Erskine." He added, "I offered my intervention for the purpose of guarding them against deficiencies in these powers."

Indeed, with my usual candor, which by this time you may have learned to admire, I may add that only the special kind of dog's luck which attaches itself to members of my family, saved me from being killed by you. But that is ancient history now. I am glad to hear that your wound was not really serious.

The hand of gendarmes had become as accustomed to the collar of the Representatives as to the collar of thieves: the white tie of the statesman was not even rumpled in the grasp of the galley sergeants, and one can admire the Vicomte de Falloux oh, candor! for being dumfounded at being treated like Citizen Sartin.

"My dear Collins, you are right," said Father Grady. "It is a good sermon. I wish I could write one half as good. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it." "But," urged Father Collins, "I shall spoil it." "Well," said his friend, "candor compels me to acknowledge that you probably shall. I don't know why. Can't you raise your voice? Can't you have courage? The people won't bite you.

"Very well; but you'll let me come to see you?" "Why, cert! Come to dinner any day. We don't browse around much outside the hotel. We're mostly always feeding at six." "I'll come, and you must not fail to let me show you my pictures." "Sure thing! I want to buy one to take home with me." He assumed great candor.

These revelations made a profound impression in Russia and throughout Europe. The Duma finally brought upon itself the whole weight of Czarism when it addressed a special appeal to the peasants of the country in which it dealt with candor and sincerity with the great agrarian problems which bore upon the peasants so heavily.

They may have been led into this error by our federal newspapers, which are generally vehicles of misinformation. The faction may impede, and embarrass for a time; but they never can long confine the nervous arm of the American Hercules. Candor influences me to confess, that there were more attempts than one, to rise and take these men of war transports.

With Sister Gonzaga's hands, your voice, and the doctor's yes, I will say with Doctor Bontius' candor, it won't be difficult to recover entirely." "Good, good," murmured the physician. "Kind Sister Gonzaga's injuries are not serious and she will stay with you, but when it is time for you to sleep, you will be moved elsewhere.

She considered herself well buttressed by the proces verbal compromise which Cauchon was so anxious to repudiate and creep out of; so she merely refused, distinctly and decidedly; and added, in a spirit of fairness and candor: "But as to matters set down in the proces verbal, I will freely tell the whole truth yes, as freely and fully as if I were before the Pope." Here was a chance!

"When he found me on my guard, he threw off the mask, and admitted that he was desired to procure information from my children, which, he said, might be more relied on, as it would bear the stamp of candor. He then entered into a formal examination. At that moment I felt an indescribable emotion; and the conflicting effects of fear, anger, and indignation alternately agitated me.