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Stolen happiness would not be happiness for me, it would be remorse." As she spoke, there was so much candor on her lips, so much sincerity in her tone, and limpid purity in her eyes, that I fancied as I looked at her that under her pure and lovely form I saw immortal Truth, in the broad light of day, pouring her voice into the ear, her look into the eye, and her soul into the heart.

As it is, the quickest of us walk about well wadded with stupidity.” Who does not at once recognizethat mixture of pushing forward and being pushed forwardasthe brief history of most human beings?” Who has not seenadvancement hindered by impetuous candor?” orprivate grudges christened by the name of public zeal?” or “a church built with an exuberance of faith and a deficiency of funds?” or a manwho would march determinedly along the road he thought best, but who was easily convinced which was best?” or a preacherwhose oratory was like a Belgian railway horn, which shows praiseworthy intentions inadequately fulfilled?”

He paused, with his right hand held out before him, as was customary when he was deeply in earnest, and Lester felt the candor and simplicity of this appeal. Robert was not criticizing him now. He was making an appeal to him, and this was somewhat different.

I mustn't bother a business meeting." A grimace that hinted at hurt wrinkled the candor of the Morrison's countenance. "I hoped it wasn't mere business that brought you all!" He dwelt on the last word with wistful significance, staring at Lana. "No, no!" said the Senator, hastily. "Not business not business, wholly. A neighborly call, Stewart! The Governor, Mr.

Ten days? She had been married ten days! What would ten years mean? "I wish I didn't have to think at all," said she, her lips trembling. "So do I, ma'am," said Sim Gage to his lawful wedded wife with engaging candor. "I sure do wish that." The hum of a motor at the gate brought Mary Gage to the window once more, the third morning after Doctor Barnes' visit. It was Doctor Barnes now, she knew.

Brown and myself strolled towards Gravel Pit Hill, and to our surprise saw a large body of men, armed with rifles, shot guns, and old muskets of the most antique description, going through a dress parade, as military men would call it, although candor compels me to confess that the costumes were not of the most recherche description, as no two were dressed alike, and no two held their guns in the same position.

There should be no difficulty." "Is Hereford looking very lively?" "It strikes me as peculiarly empty," he said with convincing candor. "Shall we have time to see all the show places to-morrow?" "We shall make time." "Well, good-bye! Bring my letters. I have not heard from my father since we left Bournemouth." "Ah, there I have the better of you.

"Of such pain and futility are the lives of the average man and woman of both city and country composed," I acknowledged to myself with savage candor, "Why lie about it?" Some of my playmates opened their acrid hearts to me. My presence stimulated their discontent. I was one of them, one who having escaped had returned as from some far-off glorious land of achievement.

He would have died for her as easily as he would have lived for her, but he could do neither. That was one side of him. The other, having put her away in that warm corner of his heart which was hers always, was busy with the practical problem of the Boyds. He saw only one way out, and that way he had been seeing with increasing clearness for several days. Edith's candor that night, and Mrs.

Jim drove as fast as he could, scowling hard to hide his tenderness and pity. Eva sat by his side, weeping in her terrible candor of grief and joy, and Ellen's golden locks tossed on her shoulder.