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However, majora canamus the two lads fell in love, and that with the same lady. Mr. Ebenezer, who was the admired and the beloved, and the spoiled one, made, no doubt, mighty certain of the victory; and when he found he had deceived himself, screamed like a peacock.

However, I will not quarrel with his reputation it is but for a day. Literary men, who leave nothing but their name to posterity, have but a short twilight of posthumous renown. Apropos, do you know my pun upon Parr and the Major?" "Not I," said I, "Majora canamus!"

However, majora canamus the two lads fell in love, and that with the same lady. Mr. Ebenezer, who was the admired and the beloved, and the spoiled one, made, no doubt, mighty certain of the victory; and when he found he had deceived himself, screamed like a peacock.

Minora canamus. This historic figure stalks silently through a corner of the San Francisco of my memory. The rest is bric-

But before proceeding another stage in this history, it becomes a just tribute of respect to the great House of Vipont to pause and place its past records and present grandeur in fuller display before the reverential reader. The House of Vipont! what am I about? The House of Vipont requires a chapter to itself. The House of Vipont, "/Majora canamus/." The House of Vipont!

Heigh passe, come aloft: euery man of you take your places, and heare Iacke Wilton tell his owne tale. Be it knowen to as many as will paie monie inough to peruse my storie, that I followed the campe or the court, or the court & the camp, when Turwin lost her maidenhead, & opened her gates to more than Iane Trosse did. Paulo maiora canamus: well, to the purpose.

Leaving the ladies to the discussion of the topic thus set afoot, let us turn to the more prosaic combinations of the rougher, if not harder, sex. Majora canamus! About four miles south-east of the manor-house, the old Castle of Gorey arose out of the sea, almost as if it grew there, a part of the granite crag.

At the conclusion of this chorus the dryads leave the stage. Orpheus enters singing a Latin stanza of four lines beginning: "Musa, triumphales titulos et gesta canamus Herculis." In Padre Affo's edition it is at this point that a dryad tells Orpheus of Euridice's death. Mnesillus, a satyr, mocks him. The hero now sings in the vernacular: "Ora piangiamo, O sconsolata lyra," etc.

He concluded to temporise with the Brush, and breed it out. "I'm bound to cross the obsequious cuss with the catawamptiousest gal in Guinea, and one that never saw a blacking bottle, not even in a dream." Majora canamus.

However, I will not quarrel with his reputation it is but for a day. Literary men, who leave nothing but their name to posterity, have but a short twilight of posthumous renown. Apropos, do you know my pun upon Parr and the Major?" "Not I," said I, "Majora canamus!"