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"Ye camna to the Mains to tell them there what kin' o' wather it wis!" "I cam whaur I cud win," answered the woman; "an' for my wull, that's naething to naebody noo it's no as it was ance though, gien I cud get it, there micht be mair nor me the better for't. An' sae as ye wad gang the len'th o' a glaiss o' whusky " "Ye s' get nae whusky here," interrupted Jean, with determination.

"Weel, gudewife, I did your errand to the Yerl." "To what Earl? I ken nae Earl; I ken'd a Countess ance I wish to Heaven I had never ken'd her! for by that acquaintance, neighbour, their cam," and she counted her withered fingers as she spoke "first Pride, then Malice, then Revenge, then False Witness; and Murder tirl'd at the door-pin, if he camna ben.

A' the last week or twa I hae seen ye driftin awa frae me, oot and oot to the great sea, whaur never a thoucht o' Isy would come nigh ye again; and what for should there? Ye camna into the warl' to think aboot me or the likes o' me, but to be a great preacher, and lea' me ahin ye, like a sheaf o' corn ye had jist cuttit and left unbun'!"

My sister micht come whiles, she said, gien she camna ower aften; but lasses had naething to dee wi' brithers. Wha was to tell wha was or wha wasna my brither? I tellt her 'at a' my brithers was weel kenned for douce laads; an' she tellt me to haud my tongue, an' no speyk up; an' I cud hae jist gien her a guid cloot o' the lug I was that angert wi' her."

"'Deed, Is' du naething o' the kin'," said Grizzie to herself; "it's eneuch to raise a regiment gien it camna doon upo' my heid." But she had her suspicion, and finding the great door open, ascended the stair. The two were sitting at a table, with the genealogical tree of the family spread out before them, the father telling tale after tale, the son listening in delight.

"Haud yer tongue, mem, gien ye please. I canna bide to hear my father spoken o' like that. For ye see I lo'ed him afore I kent he was ony drap 's blude to me." "Weel, that's verra weel; but father an' mither's man and wife, an' ye camna o' a father alane."

"Weel, gudewife, I did your errand to the Yerl." "To what Earl? I ken nae Earl; I ken'd a Countess ance I wish to Heaven I had never ken'd her! for by that acquaintance, neighbour, their cam," and she counted her withered fingers as she spoke "first Pride, then Malice, then Revenge, then False Witness; and Murder tirl'd at the door-pin, if he camna ben.

Ye ken 'at I jist cudna du onything o' the sort! I'm jist ashamed to deny't! 'Hoo am I to ken? There's nae a wuman born but wad fain hae him til hersel! Kirsty held her peace for pity, thinking what she could say to convince her of Gordon's faithlessness. 'He didna say he hadna promised? resumed Phemy through her sobs. 'We camna upo' that. 'That's what I'm thinkin!

But the boots he could not go without at least an attempt upon them. So he turned and faced her with inward trembling. 'Wha's that? repeated the old lady, regarding him fixedly. 'Ow, it's you! What duv ye want? Ye camna to see me, I'm thinkin'! What hae ye i' that bag? 'Ye had twine eneuch afore! 'It bruik. It wasna strang eneuch. 'Whaur got ye the siller to buy mair? Lat's see 't?

Sin' yesterday mornin' the laird, Grizzie tells me, hasna ristit a minute in ae place,'cep' in his bed. What for camna ye thestreen?" As he was answering her question, Aggie cast a keen searching look at his companion: Elsie's face was as red as fire could have reddened it, and tears of vexation were gathering in her eyes. She turned her head away and bit her lip.