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"How very hot you have this place, Collins," said Lady Callonby as we entered the conservatory. "Only seventy-five, my lady, and the Magnolias require heat." I here dropped a little behind, as if to examine a plant, and in a half-whisper said to Lady Jane "How came it that you alone, Lady Jane, should forget I had made another appointment?

This time it was Callonby. "Where's young Raddleston? What are you young beggars up to? is Raddleston here?" "Yes," mildly answered the voice of Master Raddleston, who a moment ago had nearly broken a blood-vessel in his endeavours to scream in a whisper. "Come here, then." The fag meekly obeyed.

"I can understand," said Trevanion, interrupting "I have heard of your prospect in the Callonby family, and certainly, with such hopes, I can well conceive how little one would be disposed to brook the slightest incident which could interfere with their accomplishment; but, now that your cousin Guy's pretensions in that quarter are at an end, I suppose, from all I have heard, that there can be no great obstacle to yours."

"I can understand," said Trevanion, interrupting "I have heard of your prospect in the Callonby family, and certainly, with such hopes, I can well conceive how little one would be disposed to brook the slightest incident which could interfere with their accomplishment; but, now that your cousin Guy's pretensions in that quarter are at an end, I suppose, from all I have heard, that there can be no great obstacle to yours."

From time to time thus, I learned from my hostess such particulars of the country and its inhabitants as I was desirous of hearing; and among other matters, she gave me an account of the great landed proprietor himself, Lord Callonby, who was daily expected at his seat, within some miles of Kilrush, at the same time assuring me that I need not be looking so "pleased and curling out my whiskers;" "that they'd never take the trouble of asking even the name of me."

I at once promised my assistance, saying, at the same time, that if Kilkee really was strongly attached, and had also reason to suppose that the Lady liked him, it was not exactly fair; that in short, if the matter had gone beyond flirtation, any interference of mine would be imprudent, if not impertinent. Lord Callonby smiled slightly as he replied,

"Now Collins," said Lady Callonby, "I cannot find the Alpen tree I brought home from the Grundenwald." Collins hurried forward to her ladyship's side. Lady Catherine was also called to assist in the search. I was alone with Lady Jane. "Now or never," thought I; I hesitated I stammered my voice faltered. She saw my agitation; she participated in, and increased it.

It was late on Monday evening when this letter reached me, and there was no time to be lost, as I was then about 40 Irish miles from the place mentioned by Curzon; so after briefly acquainting Lord Callonby that I was called off by duty, I hurried to my room to pack my clothes, and again read over this extraordinary epistle.

So be it, and I have now only one hope more that the terms we last parted on, may prevent her appearing at the breakfast table; with these words I entered the room, where the Callonbys were assembled, all save Lady Jane. "This is too provoking; really, Mr. Lorrequer," said Lady Callonby, with her sweetest smile, and most civil manner, "quite too bad to lose you now, that you have just joined us."

I thought you wished to make a sketch of Craigmoran Abbey did you forget that we were to ride there to-day?" Before she could reply, Lady Callonby called out "Oh, here it is, Mr. Lorrequer. Is this a heath? that is the question." Here her ladyship pointed to a little scrubby thing, that looked very like a birch rod.