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"I couldn't consent to that. It would look as if we were in a hurry, wouldn't it?" "Then let me cable." "You? To whom?" "Hand me up that despised book, Kate, and I'll write my cablegram on the fly-leaf. If you approve of the message, I'll go to the hotel, and send it at once."

Heath, he said, had come to him, about a month previous, to secure a written statement from him to the effect that he had performed the marriage ceremony in a legal and authorized manner between herself and Sir William Heath, of Heathdale, Hampshire County, England She was looking very sad and ill, and she confided to him that she had been deserted by her husband in New York; he having been called to his home by a cablegram, ostensibly because of his mother's illness, but that she had learned of his marriage with another lady in England, and she feared that his union with her might have been a farce.

The baggage was left on the steamer to go forward to Liverpool, and Alfonso led the way aboard the lighter, and from the dock to the Queen's Hotel. Each carried a small satchel, with change of clothing, till the trunks should be overtaken. At the hotel Alfonso found the longed-for cablegram from his father which read as follows: Harrisville, Mrs. Reuben Harris, Queen's Hotel, Queenstown, Ireland.

I did not hear from or of him until midsummer, when he sent me a cablegram from London. He was in a hospital there, out of money and out of health. I cabled him a thousand dollars and asked him to come home as soon as he could. It was my first personal experience with that far from uncommon American type, the periodic drunkard. I had to cable him money three times before he started.

Tell Bates and Carew and Grasemann I'd like them to travel with me to Plymouth to talk business. Let me know when all that's moving. Hurry!" Sylvester sped away to execute his orders. Larssen looked up at the portrait of his little boy, and the cablegram fluttered to the ground. "What's the matter?" asked Olive. "Pneumonia. Dangerously ill." "Poor little chap!" "My only child!"

This man told him all about the mistakes of the Americans and evidently greatly impressed him, for shortly thereafter he read to us at a commission meeting a draft of a proposed cablegram which he said he hoped we would approve.

A cablegram from England reported that the Zanzibar had reached Southampton. Closely following this came a brief message from Kenneth himself, stating that he was on the point of sailing for New York on the Adriatic. In five more days he would be in New York. Expectation now reached fever heat, the excitement being communicated to everyone in the house.

He had recognised me, of course, as the man he had seen in the hotel the man, Noel Stanton, against whom I did not doubt his cablegram had warned him. He was pale as death, and I could see that this meeting, added, like the piling of Ossa upon Pelion, on top of all that he had already gone through, had robbed him of the shattered remnant of his nerve.

"Nothing but what I've seen in the papers," replied the other. "I'm altogether at sea. I can't fathom in the least what it all means. What have you had?" "Nothing but this cablegram," said the lad, and handed it over. Mr. Buxton read it aloud slowly, and nodded. "From Risley," he said. "Of course he wants to get you on the spot at once." "I shall start without any delay," said Jack.

'Well, he said, 'this is a surprise. What is the reason of your being here? Anything wrong in London? 'Nothing wrong, so far as I am aware. We received no cablegram from you, and thought there might be some hitch in the business; therefore I came. 'Ah, I see. I cabled over to your address, and said I was staying at the Windsor for a few days.