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I can read the code, it is true, but you doubtless overlooked the fact that I have received such dispatches here. So, let us look at the matter in a reasonable light. What inducements were offered you to keep the cablegram away from this young man? Speak up!" "You are insulting" gasped the assistant manager. "Come down to cases!" commanded the consul. "I don't understand your Bowery slang."

But he had never seen a proud woman break down before the ominous cablegram, he had never seen a girl sit dry-eyed and ashy-white, staring dumbly at a slip of yellow paper. And Sophie had many a time. To her, a commission in the Royal Flying Corps had come to mean little short of a death warrant. She sat now staring blankly at her father.

"It offers me service abroad." Stella's face flushed and turned white. She bent her head over the cablegram. "At Cairo," she said, with a little gasp of relief. After all Cairo was not so far. A week, and one was at Cairo. "Further south, in the Sudan Heaven knows where!" "Too far then?" she suggested. "Too far." "For you? Yes! Too far," Luttrell replied.

Blount seems here to have overlooked the fact that the admiral himself was in Manila Bay and in Manila City at the time he sent this cablegram. The statements in question were not rumours, they were deliberate expressions of opinion on the part of a man who had first-hand information and knew what he was saying. They were not the Admiral's only allegations on this subject.

What is this strange thing that gets upon our back and spurs us?" A servant entered at that moment with a cablegram from the manager of one of his Austrian mines, and he had to leave me for his study. But, walking home, I fell to pondering on his words. WHY this endless work? Why each morning do we get up and wash and dress ourselves, to undress ourselves at night and go to bed again?

'I've tried him I've begged him to fight. "'Well, I've got better evidence than you have, I says. 'It came a few minutes before you did. "I showed him a cablegram from a London barrister that said: "'Inquiry complete. The man is a pure adventurer, character nil. "'We must act immediately, says Dan. "'I have telephoned all over the village for Sam, I says.

Bryan any acknowledgment of this original cablegram or of the other and even more insistently appealing telegrams I filed in rapid sequence; nor, so far as I have been able to ascertain, did he in the least bestir himself on behalf of Fernbridge Seminary for Young Ladies.

It was the misdirection of a cable announcing the death and ordering another at any cost which put them wise to the fact that Barnum had a rarity. Watson had never heard of a sacred elephant, but he started out to get one when he read that cablegram.

One cablegram of three hundred words, sent by an American correspondent, after it had been blue-pencilled by the Greek censors in Salonika and Athens, and by the four allied censors, arrived at his London office consisting entirely of "ands" and "thes." So, if not from their censors, at least from the correspondents, the Allies were protected.

As she did so she remembered Madre's cablegram, and looked for it. But it was no longer there. She searched quickly on the floor. "What is it?" said Susan. "Only a cablegram from Madre that was with the flowers. It's gone. Never mind. Claude must have taken it."