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Lumber-jacks, with Tom and Hippy, had plunged into the shallow stream the instant that Grace cried out, and were running towards Willy, now standing calmly awaiting them. "Did you kill him?" shouted Hippy. "No kill. Mebby kill bymeby," answered Willy Horse briefly as Tom and Hippy came puffing up to him. "You have done enough.

"Beyond the crick; 'twarn't half a mile from where father was killed at the deer-lick. I saw a light in the bushes. It was a campfire an' I couldn't go by without seein' what it was for. So I crept up on it an' bymeby I saw the man." "You don't know who he was?" asked the widow, quickly. "No, marm." "Did he have a dark face and was his nose hooked?" "I couldn't see his face.

But bymeby she roused up, like, and looked around wild, and then she see him, and she made a great cry and snatched him to her breast and hilt him close and kissed him over and over agin; but it took the last po' strength she had, and so her eyelids begin to close down, and her arms sort o' drooped away and then we see she was gone, po' creetur.

Master Tad is down in the canyon and from the present outlook he is liable to remain there for some time. Any of you think of a plan that will help us? Here, Eagle-eye, perhaps you can tell us how to get that young gentlemen out of there." The Indian shrugged his shoulders indifferently. "Him stay. Spirits git um bymeby." "You stop that kind of talk," commanded Ned.

An' bymeby, when de waw come he ups an' he says: 'I's done barberin', he says, 'I's gwyne to fine my ole mammy, less'n she's dead. So he sole out an' went to whar dey was recruitin', an' hired hisse'f out to de colonel for his servant an' den he went all froo de battles everywhah, huntin' for his ole mammy; yes, indeedy, he'd hire to fust one officer an' den another, tell he'd ransacked de whole Souf; but you see I didn't know nuffin 'bout dis.

'Will ye tell me his name, man! sez he, kinder impatient; 'I'm in a hurry. Then I give him your handle an' bymeby he twisted your pedigree outer me, too. Not that he axes me any questions ter speak of, but somehow I slops over without thinkin' an' he listens sharp. 'You're a friend o' hisn? he says, quiet like. 'Well, I don't wonder none. That's a man! sez he.

"Well, dah was my ole man gone, an' all my chil'en, all my seven chil'en an' six of 'em I hain't set eyes on ag'in to dis day, an' dat's twenty-two year ago las' Easter. De man dat bought me b'long' in Newbern, an' he took me dah. Well, bymeby de years roll on an' de waw come. My marster he was a Confedrit colonel, an' I was his family's cook.

Bymeby put in leetle scrap cook meat an' let him have soup bone for chew. Mus' talk to heem all tam. He get wise quick. You see." "You flatter me, Joe," says I. "Nobody ever got wise from my talkin' to 'em. Might be interestin' to try it on a pup, though. So long." And as I strolls along home with this warm, wriggly bunch of fur in the crook of my arm I get more and more pleased with myself.

"Good morning," greeted Tad, who was the first to emerge from the tents. "Huh!" answered the guide. "Is the mountain spirit willing that we should make a start this morning?" "Him gone," answered the Indian. "Where?" "Not know. Mebby Yukon, mebby Caribou," with a wave of his hand that encompassed all the territory to the north of them. "You mush bymeby?" "Very soon.

"If he shoots, I don't see how he can help hurting me," added the lad to himself, with a mirthless grin. "Bymeby, boy go back with paleface friends." "That's what I expect to do. But if Luke Larue finds out you have taken me away against my will, he'll do some shooting before the big chief gets a chance to. Where are you taking me to?"