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"Tom Gray?" questioned Grace, instantly divining who Willy meant. The Indian nodded his head. "Him say all right," he added after an interval of puffing. "Say him come along bymeby. Say Willy Horse show you place to camp. Me show." "That will be fine. Did my husband say when he expected to join us?" asked Grace. "Say him come along soon. You see other white men?"

"Is he here?" interjected Elfreda. The woman shook her head. "Mah other daughter is out pickin' berries. Mebby she'll come down an' look ye over bymeby. Kin I sell ye anything!" "Yes, if you have milk we should be glad to have some every morning and night while here. We have a man friend and a colored boy with us. One of them will call for the milk early this evening. Thank you so much.

Johnnie, he on'y sec'ta'y an' 'ithout a salary as yit, though him an' his maw got oh! I dunno but enough so he kin sell it faw all his daddy could 'a' sole the whole track faw that is, perwidin' he kin fine a buyeh. Champion, Shotwell, the Graveses all that crowd, they jess on'y the flies 'roun' the jug; bymeby they find theyse'ves onto the fly-papeh." The pair laughed again, and "Oh! escuse me!"

Thinking it best to humor one who might become either a powerful enemy or an influential friend, Redburn accordingly struck up a lively air, a la banjo, and in exact imitation of a minstrel, rendered "Gwine to Get a Home, Bymeby." And the thunders of encore that came from the outside listeners, showed how surely he had touched upon a pleasant chord.

I felt roun' de place, an' dar was nothin' but de thick walls an' de great iron do'. Den I sot down an' cried, 'cause I knowed I was a los' man. Bymeby somethin' say, "Pray." Somethin' keep sayin', "Pray." Den I drap on my knees an' prayed. I tell you, no man eber prayed harder 'n I did! I prayed, an' prayed, an' prayed! What's dat?

"At first you 'most can't stand it, but you get over the worst of it bymeby. Besides, we're getting 'most through now. Ain't that splendid, Thomas Jefferson? And it's pretty lucky, too, because Aunt 'Livia's birthday is getting very near. It it almost scares me. Doesn't it you? For I don't know how Aunt 'Livia looks when she's pleased you think she'll look pleased, don't you, Thomas Jefferson?

And bymeby they got closer and closer, and then they went arm-in-crook, like courting complete hok-hok! like courting complete hok! courting complete " Losing the thread of his narrative at this point simultaneously with his loss of breath, their informant looked up and down the field apparently for some clue to it. "Well, I see our mis'ess and a soldier a-ha-a-wk!" "Damn the boy!" said Gabriel.

And he said: "Ef you's got hairy arms en a hairy breas', it's a sign dat you's agwyne to be rich. Well, dey's some use in a sign like dat, 'kase it's so fur ahead. You see, maybe you's got to be po' a long time fust, en so you might git discourage' en kill yo'sef 'f you didn' know by de sign dat you gwyne to be rich bymeby." "Have you got hairy arms and a hairy breast, Jim?"

I know for a fact that Reuben always wanted a taste of molasses in his beans, and Stephen couldn't abide anythin' but vinegar. So, bymeby, they took to havin' their meals separate. You know it ain't in human natur' to see other folks puttin' things in their mouths that don't taste good to yours, and keep still about it." His companion admitted the truth of this statement.

The mother hugged it with a wild embrace, which included Archy Stillman, the grateful tears running down her face, and in a choked and broken voice she poured out a golden stream of that wealth of worshiping endearments which has its home in full richness nowhere but in the Irish heart. "I find her bymeby it is ten o'clock," Billy explained.