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He's done me, and I'll have to stay done." Hiram tapped the ashes from his cigar, musingly surveyed his diamond ring, and at last said: "I ain't a butter-in. But any time you get ready to holler for advice from friends, just holler." "I holler," said the Cap'n, dispiritedly. "Holler heard by friends," snapped Hiram, briskly. "Friends all ready with results of considerable meditation.

There was an artificial air about her whole appearance even her hysterics seemed artificial. The girl turned from her with a gesture of angry despair as if she realized, from experience, that she could expect, at that juncture, only emotion without explanation. "Hold on here," cried Dodd, "hold on here, everybody! This is all right. You just let me inform you, Mr. Butter-in, that Mr.

Sometimes the banker who is paying to a Camorrist is blackmailed by a Mafius'. He straightway complains to his own bad man, who goes to the "butter-in" and says in effect: "Here! What are you doing? Don't you know So-and-So is under my protection?" "Oh!" answers the Mafius'. "Is he? Well, if that is so, I'll leave him alone as long as he is paying for protection by somebody."

Crittenden and the children, it stood to reason the head of the house would seem to them like a butter-in and an outsider in a happy-family group. More than this, too. As they came within hearing of the industrial activity of the mill, and he felt his heart sink and turn sore and bitter, Mr. Welles realized that Vincent had very little to do with his dread of meeting the mill-owner. It was not Mr.

"Say, Dick," whispered Greg presently, with far greater enthusiasm than he had been displaying, "look at that black-eyed, perfectly tinted little doll that is walking with Griffin! "Stroll around and meet them face to face presently, then," grinned Dick. "Griff won't mind." "The deuce he won't" growled Greg. "I'd have a scrap on my hands, besides being voted a butter-in."

Hemlock Holmes, the celebrated butter-in on other people's business, whom I have hired at an exorbitant price to run down the depraved scoundrels who cabbaged my diamond cuff-buttons. If he can't catch 'em, nobody can, I guess. Mr. Holmes, meet the Countess's uncle, Mr. J. Edmund Tooter, of Hyderabad, India; my friend, Mr. William Q. Hicks, of Saskatoon, Canada; and Mr.