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"You'll have whatever I give, sir!" Three or four men half rose, smiling excitedly, but sank down again. "You think, sir," insisted John, to the Englishman's calmly averted face, "that being in a free country " he dashed off Shotwell's remonstrant hand. "'Tain't a free country at all," said the Briton to the outer landscape. "There's hardly a corner in Europe but's freer."

"They dursen't Wullie, not a man of them a'!" he cries. "They're one two three four eleven to one, Wullie, and yet they dursen't. Eleven of them, and every man a coward! Long Kirby Thornton Tupper Todd Hoppin Ross Burton and the rest, and not one but's a bigger man nor me, and yet Weel, we might ha' kent it. We should ha' kent Englishmen by noo. They're aye the same and aye have bin.

What is it, Colin, that's in us, rich and poor, yon rude cane-reeds speak so human and friendly to?" "Tis the Gaelic," I said, cheered myself by the air. "Never a roar of the drone or a sob of the chanter but's in the Gaelic tongue." "Maybe," said he, "maybe: I've heard the scholars like yourself say the sheepskin and the drones were Roman that or Spanish, it's all one to me.

Peter finding his farm doing well, began to feel a kind of rivalship with his wife that is to say, she first suggested the principle, and afterwards contrived to make him imagine that it was originally his own. "The sarra one o' you, Pettier," she exclaimed to him one day, "but's batin' me out an' out. Why, you're the very dickins at the farmin', so you are.

Up wid it here, a colleen." "The never a one o' the man but's doatin' downright, so he is," observed the wife, "to go to fill the tired child's stomach wid plash. Can't you wait till he ates a thrifle o' some-thin' stout, to keep life in him, afther his hard journey? Does your feet feel themselves cool an' asy now, ahagur?" "Indeed," said Jemmy, "I'm almost as fresh as when I set out.

"Troth, the grace o' God, I fear," replied Darby, humbly. "And what brings you to me then? I mean, sirra, what's your business now?" "Why, sir, devil a one o' me but's come jack to the ould creed. Troth, your Reverence, the impressions you made on me the day we had the great argument, was, wondherful.

In the hands of omnipresent Good, in the name of immaculate Truth, I leave you. "'So may this be established, yea, it is already established. I thank Thee, Father, that thou hast heard me. "This lesson, John, is very hard to report. I find so many questions suggested to my mind, and so many if's and but's. "Mrs.

Frazher, with his black coat upon him, and his Caroline hat, and him wouldn't take a glass of poteen wanst in seven years? Mat, sir, likes it, and teaches the boys ten times betther whin he's dhrunk nor when he's sober; and you'll never find a good tacher, sir, but's fond of it.

I've warned ye. Now look there " He stopped suddenly before the entrance of a miserable alley "Look! there's not a soul down that yard but's either beggar, drunkard, thief, or warse. Write anent that!

"I humbly, thank your Reverence for axin'! Troth there's no rason for complainin' in regard o' the health; sarra one o' them but's bravely, consitherin' all things: I believe I'm the worst o' them, myself, yer Reverence.. I'm gettin' ould, you see, an' stiff', an' wake; but that's only in the coorse o' nathur; a man can't last always.