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If a snail in its shell busies itself over perfecting its own personality and muddles about with the moral law, do you call that progress?" "Why muddles?" I said, offended. "If you don't force your neighbour to feed and clothe you, to transport you from place to place and defend you from your enemies, surely in the midst of a life entirely resting on slavery, that is progress, isn't it?

Picture the cup of an acorn cut in two and stuck to the surface of the nest: there you have the receptacle in a stage sufficiently advanced to take a first instalment of honey. The Bee thereupon leaves the mortar and busies herself with harvesting.

For we by no other means distinguish a laborious man from a trifler, who is for the most part also employed in action, but that the one busies himself in useless matters and indifferently, and the other in things commodious and profitable.

He raves about Ossian, gazes for hours on the Maison Carrée at Nismes, writes letters to Paine on arcs and catenaries, busies himself with vocabularies, natural history, geology, discourses magisterially about Newton and Lavoisier, and studies nothing thoroughly. One can see by the way in which he handles his technical terms that he does not know the use of them.

After this I call to mind flatness and dampness; and then all is madness the madness of a memory which busies itself among forbidden things. Very suddenly there came back to my soul motion and sound the tumultuous motion of the heart, and, in my ears, the sound of its beating. Then a pause in which all is blank. Then again sound, and motion, and touch a tingling sensation pervading my frame.

According to the Christian doctrine, that man is living in the truth who has transported his life to the domain in which it is free the domain of causes, that is, the knowledge and recognition, the profession and realization in life of revealed truth. Devoting his life to works of the flesh, a man busies himself with actions depending on temporary causes outside himself.

And he added: "You've heard that she has given up painting. Yes, she busies herself with chemistry. Her salon is full of Anarchists now and, by the way, it seemed to me that she had cast her eyes on you, my dear Hyacinthe." Hyacinthe had hitherto held his tongue, as if he took no interest in anything. "Oh! she bores me to death," he now condescended to reply.

Sennacherib calls himself a king who 'loves righteousness, and he, as well as his predecessors and successors, busies himself with actually restoring the rights of those of his subjects who have been wrongfully deprived of their possessions. The standard of private morality was high both in Babylonia and Assyria.

How strange this external habit of living! One thinks how to stick in a pin, and how to tie a string, one busies one's self with folding robes, and putting away napkins, the day after some stroke that has cut the inner life in two, with the heart's blood dropping quietly at every step. Yet it is better so!

This is his song, or what answers to a song, but I have seen him when he would do nothing but repeat incessantly a quick trisyllabic call, whit, whit, whit; corresponding, I suppose, to the well-known whit with which the phoebe sometimes busies himself in a similar manner.