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Do you hear that?" said Gooding, turning his head toward the back part of the wagon, and speaking in a quick, elated manner. "Oh, ay!" came ringing from the bunghole of the whisky-hogshead. "Who the dickens is that?" exclaimed Jenkins, turning quickly round. "No one," replied Gooding, with a quiet smile, "but my clerk, Harry Williams." "Where?"

Foreign journalists, and sight-seeing parties of munition-workers, picnicked in Bunghole Wood. In the village behind the line, if a chance shell removed tiles from the roof of a house, the owner, greatly incensed, mounted a ladder and put in some fresh ones. But that is all over now.

Just then he heard a groan from inside the cask and a voice called out in a begging, whining tone: "A cup of water, brother! A cup of water! I am dying of thirst!" Now the Prince thought to himself that it was a terrible thing for any living creature to be dying of thirst. So he hurried out, got a cup of water, and poured it into the open bunghole.

Kept down it was. "Waste" was successfully averted at the spigot; at the bunghole it went on unchecked. In a swarming population like that you must have either schools or jails, and the jails waxed fat with the overflow. The East Side, that had been orderly, became a hotbed of child crime.

Why, on winter nights, when you'd be shut in there in your piano box just as snug as you please, I used to lie awake shivering, with the draught fairly running in at the bunghole at the back." "Draught!" sneered the other man, with a provoking laugh, "draught! Don't talk to me about draughts. This box I speak of had a whole darned plank off it, right on the north side too.

The cask must still be kept full, and the rising particles taken off at the bunghole. When fine, which may be expected in twenty-four hours, bottle and cork it well; and in summer it will be ripe and fit to drink in a fortnight. GINGER DROPS. Beat two ounces of fresh candied orange in a mortar, with a little sugar, till reduced to a paste.

But in talking thus to Gibbie, the minister but rippled the air: Gibbie was all the time pondering with himself where he had met the same kind of thing, the same sort of person before. Nothing he said had the slightest effect upon him. He was too familiar with truth to take the yeasty bunghole of a working barrel for a fountain of its waters.

Then choosing a very rich lord among his vassals, he gave him Nennella to wife, and the daughter of another great lord to Nennillo; allowing them enough to live upon, with their father, so that they wanted for nothing in the world. But the stepmother, shut into the cask and shut out from life, kept on crying through the bunghole as long as she had breath

The tenants thereof promptly telephoned to "Mother," and Mother came to the assistance of her offspring with a salvo of twelve-inch shells. After that. Brother Boche, realising that the golden age was past, sent north to the Salient for a couple of heavy batteries, and settled down to shell Bunghole village to pieces.

O, no, he was both of 'em, says Bob. Then they all haw-hawed. 'Say, Edward, don't you reckon you'd better take a pill? You look bad don't you feel pale? says the Child of Calamity. 'O, come, now, Eddy, says Jimmy, 'show up; you must a kept part of that bar'l to prove the thing by. Show us the bunghole do and we'll all believe you. 'Say, boys, says Bill, 'less divide it up.