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There seem to have been sad dogs about in those days from the picture on this piece one sniffing regretfully at the bunghole of an empty barrel: "This cask when stored with gin I loved to taste, But now a smell, alas! must break my fast." Upon a cup a somewhat Chinese arrangement of words is found:

Howbeit 'twas near five in the morning, I dare say, before my narrow bedchamber allow'd me to drop asleep. I woke to spy through my bunghole the faint light of day struggling down the hatches. Above, I heard a clanking noise, and the voices of the men hiccoughing a dismal chant. They were lifting anchor.

More frequently our vision was circumscribed to a few yards till our merry woodcutters made for us the pleasant scene of a long vista fit for camels to pass: as a whole, the jungle would have made the authors of the natty little hints to travellers smile at their own productions, good enough, perhaps, where one has an open country with trees and hills; by which to take bearings, estimate distances, see that one point is on the same latitude, another on the same longitude with such another, and all to be laid down fair and square with protractor and compass, but so long as we remained within the vegetation, that is fed by the moisture from the Indian Ocean, the steamy, smothering air, and dank, rank, luxuriant vegetation made me feel, like it, struggling for existence, and no more capable of taking bearings than if I had been in a hogshead and observing through the bunghole!

He broke a bit from a fishing-rod, secured the line round the middle of it with a notch, put the stick through the bunghole in the bilge, and corked up the hole with a net-float. Happily he had a knife in his pocket. He then joined strong lines together until he thought he had length enough, secured the last end to a bar of the grate, and knocked out both sashes of the window with an axe.

F had a "happy thought". Showing the Indians the whisky keg, and holding the open bunghole to their noses, he made them understand that if they carried the canoe over they should have some of "the cratur" when they returned. This worked like a charm, in two minutes the canoe was hoisted on their shoulders, and they were off at double the pace of the others. Before they returned, Mr.

But none of these accredited appeals to heaven put a speck upon the sea where the boats ought to have been, or cast upon the clouds a shade of any sail approaching. Uneasily wondering, the grannies, wives, and little ones went home, when the nightfall quenched all eyesight, and told one another ancient tales of woe. Yet there is a salve for every sore, a bung for every bunghole.

Their earnings, to use their own phrase, "come in at the spigot and go out at the bunghole." When prosperity comes to an end, and they are paid off, they rely upon chance and providence the providence of the Improvident!

He really has not the proper soul for adventures, and what soul he has had been damped by what he had gone through. So he said, "Look here, there's nothing in that keg but water." Oswald could have kicked him, though he is his brother. "Huh!" replied the Unloved One, "d'you think I haven't got a nose? Why, it's oozing out of the bunghole now as strong as Samson."

"Abe, there, could lift two barrels of flour if he could get a hold on them." "You can beat me telling 'raisers', but " "Taking a lift out of you or not, I am willing to bet that Abe will lift a barrel of spirits and drink out of the bunghole to prove he can hold it there!" "Impossible! What will you lay on the thing?" They made a wager of a new hat the Sunday hat of beaver being still costly.

"Ah yes! now I remember about him we can always tell him from a real Hawk." "How does he make that queer noise?" asked Nat. "It sounds like when I hit the telegraph wires with stones, or blow in the bunghole of a barrel." "Watch him when he drops," said the Doctor; "do you not see that he does so with open wings? The air rushes between the long wing-quills and makes the vibrating noise.