United States or Saint Lucia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Buckstone if he knew of anybody who might want a speech written I had a friend, and so forth and so on. I was the friend, myself; I thought I might do you a good turn then and depend on you to do me one by and by. I never let Mr. Buckstone have the speech till the last moment, and when you hurried off to the House with it, you did not know there was a missing page, of course, but I did.

Tells very amusing stories . . . when ladies are not present . . . I should think so . . . 'm . . . 'm. Eighty-five. There. I must find that chairman. Queer. . . . Buckstone acts . . . . Seemed to be in love . . . . I was sure of it. He promised to come here . . . and he hasn't . . . Strange. Very strange . . . . I must chance to meet him to-day."

Buckstone said that he was not able to conceive what so curious a phrase as Blank-Blank might mean, and had no wish to pry into the matter, since it was probably private, he "would nevertheless venture the blind assertion that nothing would answer in this particular case and during this particular session but to be exceedingly wary and keep clear away from Mr.

Buckstone picked up the spray, and sitting down by Laura's side on the sofa, said: "Please let me keep it, Miss Hawkins. I set a very high value upon it now." "Give it to me, Mr. Buckstone, and do not speak so. I have been sufficiently punished for my thoughtlessness. You cannot take pleasure in adding to my distress. Please give it to me." "Indeed I do not wish to distress you.

Buckstone on direct examination. Mr. Wilson took the witness. "Mr. Buckstone, about what time was it that that conversation took place?" "Toward nine yesterday evening, sir." "Did you then proceed directly to the hall?" "Yes, sir." "How long did it take you to go there?"

They courted the fullest and freest discussion; but it seemed to him that this fairness was but illy appreciated, since gentlemen were capable of taking advantage of it for selfish and unworthy ends. This trifling had gone far enough. He called for the question. The instant Mr. Buckstone sat down, the storm burst forth. A dozen gentlemen sprang to their feet. "Mr. Speaker!" "Mr. Speaker!" "Mr.

At the proper hour, according to his previous notice, Mr. Buckstone duly introduced his bill entitled "An Act to Found and Incorporate the Knobs Industrial University," moved its proper reference, and sat down. The Speaker of the House rattled off this observation: "'Fnobjectionbilltakuzhlcoixrssoreferred!"

It was distinguished by frankness of language as well as by brevity: "The child is born. Buckstone gives notice of the thieving Knobs University job. It is said the noses have been counted and enough votes have been bought to pass it."