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"It was a good idea to make Buckstone lead Mr. Trollop on to get a great speech written for him; and it was a happy part of the same idea for me to copy the speech after Mr. Buckstone had written it, and then keep back a page. Mr.

Six others are sick, but expect to be about again tomorrow or next day, a friend tells me. A bold onslaught is worth trying. Go for a suspension of the rules! You will find we can swing a two-thirds vote I am perfectly satisfied of it. The Lord's truth will prevail. Mr. Buckstone had reported the bills from his committee, one by one, leaving the bill to the last.

We understand each other. He is an admirable worker outside the capitol; he will do more for the Pension bill than any other man could do; I wish he would make the great speech on it which he wants to make and then I would make another and we would be safe." "Well if he wants to make a great speech why doesn't he do it?" Visitors interrupted the conversation and Mr. Buckstone took his leave.

The tail end of this procession was climbing the market house stairs when the twins arrived in its neighborhood; when they reached the hall, it was full of people, torches, smoke, noise, and enthusiasm. They were conducted to the platform by Buckstone Tom Driscoll still following and were delivered to the chairman in the midst of a prodigious explosion of welcome.

Allen. It may not all be hearsay. We shall see. It may at least help to put us on the right track. Call the witnesses." "Then I will call Mr. John Buckstone, who is now present, and I beg that Mrs. Patsy Cooper may be sent for. Take the stand, Mr. Buckstone."

When the House had voted upon the acceptance or rejection of the report upon all but it, and the question now being upon its disposal Mr. Buckstone begged that the House would give its attention to a few remarks which he desired to make.

Dickens of the brooch, and she mounted her husband with comb and brush. This, no doubt, was Mrs. Dickens's version, in the main. A few evenings later I saw Miss Teman at the Haymarket Theatre, playing with Buckstone and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mathews. She seemed rather a small cause for such a serious result passably pretty, and not much of an actress.

For some time the correspondents had been posting their several journals upon the alleged disreputable nature of the bill, and furnishing daily reports of the Washington gossip concerning it. So the next morning, nearly every newspaper of character in the land assailed the measure and hurled broadsides of invective at Mr. Buckstone.

Buckstone; "but let the fight proceed." The voting began, and every sound ceased but the calling if the names and the "Aye!" "No!" "No!" "Aye!" of the responses. There was not a movement in the House; the people seemed to hold their breath. The voting ceased, and then there was an interval of dead silence while the clerk made up his count.

"Even if that were the case it could not affect you, Miss Hawkins," said the chairman gallantly. "Fame does not place you in the list of ladies who rank below perfection." This happy speech delighted Mr. Buckstone as much as it seemed to delight Laura. But it did not confuse him as much as it apparently did her.