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Now he plunged toward the corral, his purpose plain, the one desire in his heart to crush his rider against the high fence. But Judith's spurs answered him, and the bit, savage in his jaws, brought him about, whirling, sidling, striking, bucking as only a strong, fearless, devil-hearted horse knows how to buck.

I han't got over it yet." So ended Redwood's story. During our next day's journey we fell in with and killed a couple of deer a young buck and doe. They were the first of these animals we had yet seen, and that was considered strange, as we had passed through a deer country.

"They've got Satan, Buck. We've got to try it on foot. Go through the window." "They've got nothing on me. I'll stick with Haines." Dan jumped through the window, and raced to the shelter of a big rock. He had hardly dropped behind it when four horsemen galloped around the corner of the house. "Johnson and Sullivan," ordered the voice of Monte sharply, "watch the window.

Two of them went over, bleeding on the stones, thank God; and I laughed and found myself sprawling in the gutter again, and got up again, and struck again, and broke my halberd to pieces. I hurt a man's head, though." Buck set down his glass with a bang, and spat out curses through his thick moustache.

But the next time Buck Bellew gave that thrilling, spine-tightening cry, was to be under far different circumstances, and with far different results results fraught with great importance to our young adventurers. "What wonderful clouds. They remind one of the fantastic palaces of the Arabian Nights!" exclaimed Miss Prescott.

As the light winds flared out its folds, so that all who saw might read, there floated out our own national emblem, the Stars and Stripes. Inside the restored hut lay Buck Bangs on a white cot, while on another reclined the stalwart form of Lafayette Blaine.

The next instant the buck was on its back, and the cheetah's fangs were fixed like an iron vice upon its throat. The course run was about 600 yards, and it was worth a special voyage to India only to see that hunt. The cheetah was panting to an extent that made it difficult to retain its hold.

She will be able to talk a little. It is really nothing, but I thought you might like to see it. It is seldom that gorgios are allowed to see a thing like that. "Please say to your father that I will spend the evening as usual with him. My people will pass on." From The American Magazine It was a plain case of affinity between Davy Allen and Old Man Thornycroft's hound dog Buck.

You'll find something to interest you every little while about the Jenison murder case. You see, my buck, they're still lookin' for you." "I hope it all turns out as you think, Dick," cried David fervently. He was weak with excitement. "Oh, how I long to be cleared of this awful thing! How I long for the sight of Jenison Hall! And, say, Dick!

"I know what it is to have a sick horse. Buck up, lass! We'll be there within the hour." "What d'you mean?" she said, feeling in her bag for a handkerchief. "I have a plan," said I mysteriously. "Can't you find it?" She felt in the pocket of her coat and turned to the bag again. "I'm afraid my maid must have " I took a spare handkerchief from my breast-pocket.