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"How many men d'ye s'pose they've got in there?" he asked finally. "Reck'n they could scrape up 'bout twenty-five, in th' time they've had," Walt answered. "An' some o' 'em shepherds, an' rotten shots, an' they's fifty o' us," Buck put in. He was eager for action. "Well, I come here t' fight, an' I'm paid for it," said Mart Cooley.

I will write you such letters from the Front as will be more gorgeous than the real thing. Give me my coat, Paladium. I entered this room a mere King of England. I leave it, Special War Correspondent of the Court Journal. It is useless to stop me, Pally; it is vain to cling to my knees, Buck; it is hopeless, Barker, to weep upon my neck. 'When duty calls' the remainder of the sentiment escapes me.

The reader may be sure that Dave Darrin and Dan Dalzell, at Annapolis, knew the state of affairs with their old-time friend and leader. Greg had sent word of what was happening with Dick. "Buck up -that's all, old chap," Dave wrote from the Naval Academy. "You never did a mean thing, and you never will. Even your class will learn that before very long. So buck up!

Buck did not like it, but he bore up well to the work, taking pride in it after the manner of Dave and Sol-leks, and seeing that his mates, whether they prided in it or not, did their fair share. It was a monotonous life, operating with machine-like regularity. One day was very like another. At a certain time each morning the cooks turned out, fires were built, and breakfast was eaten.

He sat upright and peered at us through the dim moonlight. "Want to get after them?" he inquired. "You bet!" said Buck emphatically, "They may have McNally, and if they haven't, they've got our horses." "There's six of us and we can shore make it interesting for that lot," agreed Yank. "Can we get to where they are?" "I think so," said Bagsby.

Listen, dear I'll call for you at the office to-night at five, and we'll walk home together. Wait for me. I may be a few minutes late " She was off. The front door slammed sharply. Buck sat very still for a long minute, staring down at the coffee cup whose contents he did not mean to drink. The light from the window cameoed his fine profile. And you saw that his jaw was set.

She saw it all in a flash then! They would prove ... they thought that they were sure of proof through her! ... that Buck Thornton had robbed her of the five thousand dollars.

Oh, you don't know how sorry I am for you, you poor man!" He hid his face again. "Don't please!" he cried, in a choked voice. "I can't stand sympathy to-night from you!" She laid a hand on his shoulder. "Come, come; you must buck up, old soldier," she assured him. "You'll have to meet Pablo and Carolina very soon." "I'm so alone and desperate," he muttered, through clenched teeth.

A few weeks after Smut's death, Lizzie, an excellent bitch, was killed by a leopard, who wounded Merriman in the throat, but he being a powerful dog, beat him off and escaped. Merriman had not long recovered from his wound, when he came to a lamentable and diabolical end. On December 24, 1852, we found a buck in the jungles by the Badulla road.

“Ohexclaimed Richard, with something of a waggish leer, “thou owest the lad for the venison, I suppose that thou killed, Cousin ‘Duke! Marmaduke! Marmaduke! That was a marvellous tale of thine about the buck! Here, young man, are two dollars for the deer, and Judge Temple can do no less than pay the doctor. I shall charge you nothing for my services, but you shall not fare the worst for that.