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Then and thar I bu'sted out into shouts of joy and songs of praise; I magnified the Lord and all His works; I testified of my salvation from blindness of body and sperrit; I hollered till natur' went plumb back on me and I could n't fetch nary 'nother breath.

Skinny questioned, when the three met and stopped their horses. "The pasture fence is bu'sted," Pedro answered; "at the northeast corner it is broke. The cattle are out. Ten fifteen maybe are dead the lightning strike them perhaps. The others all of them are gone. They go pronto, stampede I think, toward the Purgatory.

"Found them off Diablo. Went on the rocks at Hell-Hole in the fog. Boat was smashed. Bu'sted clean in two." Gregory scarcely heard them as he knelt on the hatch looking down into the face of the one he had traveled seven thousand miles to see. Blair led him away. As the little procession moved silently down the dock the crowd parted respectfully. Eyes that were hard, softened.

"Thunderation!" he said aloud, "it's a good thing we fixed it up for just Skinny to make love to her if we hadn't there'd have been a regular epidemic of bu'sted hearts on this blamed ranch!

"You'll have to keep quiet, boy, for a few hours, and take a sleep if you can. I'll roast a bit o' meat and rub ye down with fat after you've eat as much of it as ye can. There's nothing like beef for a sick man's inside, an' fat for his outside that's the feelosophy o' the whole matter. You've a'most bin bu'sted wi' that there fall; but you'll be alright to-morrow.

I bet his heart's plumb bu'sted!" As soon as their saddles were put away the cowboys hurried toward the house. They met the Ramblin' Kid, crossing from the circular corral to the bunk-house. "Come on," Bert called to him, "Old Heck and Ophelia's gone and got married! We're going up to the house to sympathize with the widow!" "I ain't needed," the Ramblin' Kid answered with a careless laugh.

"Some one bu'sted him with a' ax most vastly," he muttered. "An' me wastin' two shoots o' powder on the skunk!" "Without bothering to notice the turkey-buzzards that have been following him down the river," I said. He looked sheepish and defended himself: "The cover was too thick to see anything overhead." "He was a friend to the whites. He has been murdered.

In other words, he should know at least a little about surgery, and physic, and law, and carpentering, blacksmithing, building, cooking, riding, swimming, and hallo! why, two of your ribs are broken, my man!" "Sorry to hear it, sir, but not surprised, for I feels as if two or three o' my spines was broken also, and five or six o' my lungs bu'sted. You won't be able to mend 'em, I fear."

"W'en I come-to to myself," continued Peter, on reaching this point in his narrative, "de fus' t'ing I t'ink was dat I'd been bu'sted. Den I look up, an' I sees our black cook. She's a nigger, like myself, only a she one. "`Hallo, Angelica! says I; `wass de matter? "`Matter! says she; `you's dead a'most, an' dey lef' you here wid me, wid strik orders to take care ob you.

Why, she says she didn't know which way to turn or what to do next she was that mixed up. "An' then yesterday mornin' come the final bang as bu'sted Mrs. Macy! She got a letter from a man as said he'd meet her in the station an' tattoo her name right on her in the ladies' waitin'-room, so as her friends could easy find her an' know her body at the morgue. Well, she said that ended her.