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Meanwhile, some of the practical citizens of Oxford wish to level the Jews' Mound, and to "utilise" the gravel of which it is largely composed. There is nothing to be said against this economic project which could interest or affect the persons who entertain it. M. Brunet-Debaines' illustration shows the mill on a site which must be as old as the tower.

Resignation of post on the "Saturday Review." Nervous seizure in railway train. Mrs. Craik. Publication of "Etching and Etchers." Tennyson. Growing reputation in America. In the course of the years 1865-67 Mr. Hamerton had made the acquaintance of several leading French artists, Dore, Corot, Daubigny, Courbet, Landelle, Lalanne, Rajon, Brunet-Debaines, Flameng, Jacquemart, etc.

He reached Paris all right, did his work there, and had a kind letter from Mr. Seeley, who said: "I was greatly pleased to receive your card this morning, and learn that you had had a successful journey. Now you will certainly come and see me, won't you? Brunet-Debaines is here, and will remain till the end of next week.

Shortly after them M. Brunet-Debaines came, and I could not help directing my husband's attention to the simplicity of his arrangements for working from nature; a small stool, upon which was fixed a canvas or a drawing-board, and a color-box, were all he required; however, I was told that "wants varied with individuals." Hitherto Mr.