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Dexter was not, and he avoided the house as much as he could, spending a great deal of time in the garden and stables. "So they're going to send you off to school, eh, Master Dexter?" said Peter, pausing to rest on his broom-handle. "Yes, Peter." "And you don't want to go? No wonder! I never liked school. Never had much on it, neither; but I know all I want."

I shall lock everything tight after her; and make up a good story about my wakening up in the middle of the night, just in time to see her flying out of the top o' the house, on her black mare, and thrashing the animal with a broom-handle. The bigger the lie the quicker they will believe it."

"Countersign!" whispered the prompter behind the barrel. "Count-de-sign!" shouted Juggie, pompously, at the same time presenting the broom-handle threateningly. "George Washington!" answered the farmer. "All right. Go 'long dar!" "No, no!" whispered Sid. "Let me see your papers, friend!" "Let me see your papers, friend!" The farmer reads his pass. "Is dat all?" "All."

Odsbud, Dick! twenty miles and more in the saddle before coming on the ground. Heard you ever of the like madness? He'll be stiff as a broom-handle an easy victim." Richard listened, stared, and, finding Vallancey's eyes fixed steadily upon him, attempted a smile and achieved a horrible grimace. "What ails you, man?" cried his second, and caught him by the wrist.

"I'll stay and take care of you, Grandpapa," said Phronsie, delighted that her services were really to be called for, and with her heart at rest about her own poor little girl. "Deary me!" Grandma Bascom stopped shooing out the hens from her kitchen doorway, and leaned on the broom-handle. "If here don't come Mis' Henderson!

The Enfield boys have come over, and, as all the Hampshire county folks know, they are tough fellers to beat. Gorham Polly keeps tally, because he has got the newest jack-knife, oh, how slick it whittles the old broom-handle Gorham picked up in Packard's store an' brought along jest to keep tally on! It is a great game of ball; the bats are broad and light, and the ball is small and soft.

"Well, squire," he said, laying his hands one over the other on the top of the broom-handle. "Well, Peter. How's the horse?" "Grinding his corn, and enjoying himself," said Peter. "He's like you: a lucky one plenty to eat and nothing to do." "Don't you take him out for exercise?" said Dexter. "Course I do. So do you go out for exercise." "Think I could ride?" said Dexter.

She only thought of the loss her kind master was sustaining; and down the ladder she hurried, and ran straight out to the corn-field. Several sentinels met her by its edge, grinned, chattered, screamed, barked, and showed their long canine teeth; but they only received a blow over their ugly snouts from the broom-handle.

To children there always appears a gap between them and "grown-ups" as impassable as that which Abraham is made to describe as so great that they who would pass to and fro cannot. As we grow older, we cease to see it, but it exists all the same. As I write, five children are romping through this old wood on broom-handle horses. One has just fallen.

Shongut, such a pretty girl and such a fine-looking boy you can be proud of." "Ach, Mrs. Lissman, you think so?" "There ain't one on the street any prettier than Miss Renie. 'I tell you, if my Roscoe was ten years older she could have him, I says to my husband." Mrs. Shongut leaned forward on her broom-handle. "If I say so myself, Mrs.