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Billy Grimes and Pip Peckham were serving as horses, and soldiers also, pulling along the president and sharing the broom-handle between them. Whether that handle might be a "musket" or a "spear," no one could say. Charlie served as a body-guard, now looking at Aunt Stanshy's window and then glancing in pride at grandsir's sword.

A ring at the front bell during this interesting conversation had not been noticed. The charwoman, still busy with broom and pail outside, knocked at the door with a knock which might have been given with the broom-handle and announced another visitor. "Mrs. Bellamy, mum." Catharine leaped up, rushed to meet her friend, caught her round the neck, and kissed her eagerly.

Obtaining the coveted treasure, he as eagerly ran back. Two minutes passed. "May I have the curtain-stick up in your chamber that you don't want?" "How do you know I don't want it?" "'Cause it's doing nothing, standing up in the corner." "O what eyes! Yes, you may have it." Three minutes went. "Aunty, couldn't I have the broom-handle out in the entry?

Before I was six weeks old I had upset three policemen by getting between their legs when they came round to the side-door, thinking they had heard suspicious noises; and I can still recall the interesting sensation of being chased seventeen times round the yard with a broom-handle after a well-planned and completely successful raid on the larder.

She only thought of the loss her kind master was sustaining; and down the ladder she hurried, and ran straight out to the corn-field. Several sentinels met her by its edge, grinned, chattered, screamed, barked, and showed their long canine teeth; but they only received a blow over their ugly snouts from the broom-handle.

By this time the sleuth was examining the broom-handle. From its split end protruded an inch of telegraph wire, which chanced also to be the same wire that hung over the edge of the galvanized bucket. Close in front of the innocent little fellows ran a "third rail!" Then suddenly this life of anecdote and leisure ended.

The boys, sitting in the shade of their wigwam, still shook their heads. One of them was idly tapping the ground with a broom-handle that had lain beside him. The negro glanced up and down the track, snatched up the boys' drinking vessel, of which the wire hooked over the pail was not after all the handle, and stooped to dip up a can of water.

It is all a sham, and the proof of it is, that she went up to her own room immediately, without saying a word." Caravan did not utter a word, and at that moment the little servant came in to announce dinner. In order to let his mother know, he took a broom-handle, which always stood in a corner, and rapped loudly on the ceiling three times, and they went into the dining-room.

At last the day came when she was at the end of her courage and patience, and exclaimed to her mother and sister: 'As you hate me so much you will be glad to be rid of me, so I am going to live with the cats! 'Be off with you! cried her mother, seizing an old broom-handle from behind the door.

Our own rule was to hit a man as soon as he opened his mouth hit him hard, hit him with anything. A broom-handle, end-on, in the face, had a very sobering effect. But that was not all. Such a man must be made an example of; so the next rule was to wade right in and follow him up.