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District presidents and chairmen of committees: Dora Kirkpatrick, Janet C. Broeck, Elizabeth Burt, Ethel Lewis, Mrs. H. J. Bonnell, Mrs. O. A. Mitscher, Mrs. C. C. Conlan, Effie M. Ralls, E. Irene Yeoman.

And I says, says I, 'That horse never touched whisky or tobacco in his life; he's clean-blooded and clean-lived, and he'll live to a good old age; and, maybe, when he dies they'll bury him like a Christian, and put a monument up over him like they did over Ten Broeck. But you, why, you ain't hardly out o' your short pants, and you're fifty years old if you're a day.

Shades of Flora Temple and "2.40 on the plank road!" That was the cry when first I took to horses that is, to owning them. At a much earlier age I was stealing a ride on every thing within reach that had four legs and could go. One takes to horseflesh by inheritance. Rarus now goes in 2.13-1/4, and Ten Broeck beats Lexington's best time many seconds. I saw him do it.

I cast a single glance toward the group of women across the room who, huddled together, were gazing at us with pale faces and fixed eyes and I dare say the purport of my glance was that I had borne all I could, and that the results were beyond my control when suddenly there came an unlooked-for interruption. The dignified, sober figure of Abraham Ten Broeck appeared in our wrathful circle.

The admiral garrisoned and fortified Orsoy as a basis and advanced upon Rheinberg, first surprising the Count of Broeck in his castle, who was at once murdered in cold blood with his little garrison. He took Burik on the 11th October, Rheinberg on the 15th of the same month, and compounded with Wesel for a hundred and twenty thousand florins.

The great Harden Broeck had waxed very wealthy and powerful from his domains, which embraced the whole chain of Apulean mountains that stretched along the gulf of Kip's Bay, and from part of which his descendants have been expelled in latter ages by the powerful clans of the Joneses and the Schermerhornes.

M. Van der Broeck, archivist of Tournay, extracted various items from the register of the Council. See Kervyn's note. Her deputies held that it was illegal for them to go to The Hague. Some time later Charles received the oaths at Dordrecht. See also Michelet, Lavisse, Kirk, etc.

Military Operations in the Netherlands Designs of the Spanish Commander Siege of Orsoy Advance upon Rheinberg Murder of the Count of Broeck and his garrison Capture of Rees and Emmerich Outrages of the Spanish soldiers in the peaceful provinces Inglorious attempt to avenge the hostilities State of trade in the Provinces Naval expedition under van der Does Arrival of Albert and Isabella at Brussels Military operations of Prince Maurice Negotiation between London and Brussels Henry's determination to enact the Council of Trent His projected marriage Queen Elizabeth and Envoy Caron Peace proposals of Spain to Elizabeth Conferences at Gertruydenberg Uncertain state of affairs.

Military Operations in the Netherlands Designs of the Spanish Commander Siege of Orsoy Advance upon Rheinberg Murder of the Count of Broeck and his garrison Capture of Rees and Emmerich Outrages of the Spanish soldiers in the peaceful provinces Inglorious attempt to avenge the hostilities State of trade in the Provinces Naval expedition under van der Does Arrival of Albert and Isabella at Brussels Military operations of Prince Maurice Negotiation between London and Brussels Henry's determination to enact the Council of Trent His projected marriage Queen Elizabeth and Envoy Caron Peace proposals of Spain to Elizabeth Conferences at Gertruydenberg Uncertain state of affairs.

The assassination of Count Broeck at his own castle had made more stir than a thousand other homicides of nameless wretches at the same period had done, because the victim had been a man of rank and large possessions, but it now remained to be seen whether Mendoza was to gain fresh laurels of any kind in the battle which was probably impending.