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One of them shouted down the fore-hatchway, and presently the interpreter, as Bill called him, made his appearance. "Glad see you. All right now?" he said, in a tone of interrogation. "All right," said Bill, "but I want you to tell me how you happened to find my shipmate Jack Peek;" and Bill pointed down into the cabin. "He, friend! not broder! no!

"Here we have," said the man of drugs, "some three drachms of saltpeter in solution, of which, by and by, you may take about one sixth, letting it gargle your throat going down. Peter, is the water hot?" "Yes, broder, water boilin' hover. What do with him now?" "I want to soak his feet; but what shall we do it in? I can fill my seal-skin boots, but they would be awkward."

When the plea of the accusation had been fully declared, Broder could not bring any support for his defence, and his father bade his friends pass sentence upon the convicted man, thinking it less impious to commit the punishment proper for his son to the judgment of others.

Miss Crutty kissed him; mamma made him a curtsy, and papa made him a bow; and Dr. Snorter, the parson, seized his hand and shook it most warmly: then came my turn! "Vat!" says he. Sare and madam, you should be broud of soch a sonn. And you my niece, if you have him for a husband you vill be locky, dat is all. Vat dink you, broder Croty, and Madame Stobbs, I 'ave made your sonn's boots! Ha ha!"

"Oh! pardon me, broder," cried Henri, shrinking back, with the drollest expression of mingled pity and glee. Jim's discretion, on this occasion, was superior to his valour; he turned away with a coarse expression of anger and left the ground. Meanwhile the major handed the silver rifle to young Varley. "It couldn't have fallen into better hands," he said.

"We beg you, shipmate, for come along do, broder, come away;" then another reel. "What, you no wantee go in a hole, eh? You hab grudge against somebody lif here, eh?" Another devil of a lurch "Massa 's housekeeper, eh? Ah, it must be!"

When the body of the queen was placed in this manner, the herd of beasts was driven upon it, and trod it down deep with their multitude of feet. Such was the end of Swanhild. Meantime, the favourite dog of Broder came creeping to the king making a sort of moan, and seemed to bewail its master's punishment; and his hawk, when it was brought in, began to pluck out its breast-feathers with its beak.

"How the pigs did run!" said Holly; "'spect, Miss Amy, they mistook you for a little broder!" At this sally Sylvia laughed louder than ever; but perceiving my distress, she observed, in a kind tone: "Never mind, Miss Amy, we can't help laughing, you know and you'll laugh too, when you git out of this here mess.

Besides which he couldn't understand what dey say. Den all of a sudden, to Sam's surprise, up came a colored soldier, and he speak to Sam in de English tongue. 'Holla, broder, how you come here?" I ask. 'I been cook on board English merchant ship, he say. 'Ship she taken by French privateer.

But Poleon blocked his way, and, observing him gravely, continued, in a tone that the other could not disregard nor mistake: "No, M'sieu', before you pass on dat place you'll tol' me if it's true." "True!" the Lieutenant retorted, angrily. "What business is it of yours? This concerns me." "An' me, too! I'm w'at you call gardeen for Necia till John Gale come back, an' I'm broder of her, too.