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Middleton urged them to stay, saying, "What’s the use of goin’? Nancy’s got beds enough, I reckon, and will be right glad of a chance to show her new calico kiverlids, and besides we are goin’ to have some briled hen in the morning, so stay."

"Then I finished, and you hadn't come, so I says, `Well, that's their fault, and they may go without. But all the same I says to myself, `Well, poor chaps, they don't often get a run in the country! and that made me a bit soft like, and I pulled a half-quartern loaf in two and put all the briled ham that was left in the middle, and tied it up in a clean hankychy for you to eat going home.

"De fish an' me 'ud bof be briled in dis yere sun 'fore we got home." "Bar, Unc., you wouldn't go to Heben 'less you was toted." "Ob cose not. Doan de Bible say de angels gwine ter tote us?" "Well, I s'pose dey is. Ef a body ony know'd weder it ud be up or down." "Dar now, Aun' Sheba, wot fei you talk so se'rus in Augst? Nex' winter we'se gwine ter hab a refreshin' from on high."

Well, when I was a beginnin' to git better o' that terable sickness, the fust and only one I ever had in my life, Miss Campbell, she used to send Jinny up, with bits o' briled chicken, nice broth and sech, to kinder tempt my appetite like.

"Me cousin Hyatt he've brung some meat off'n the mash, an' I briled some." "I'm not very hungry, Susie," I told her. "Nor me neither, ma'am, with all them goin'-ons," she confided. "But what's th' use o' despisin' any of th' Lord's blessin's, specially when they gits kinder scarce?"

Sometimes its a hankerin' to travel, or be State Senator, or have a whole bunch of bananny's hangin' up in the house to onct. I knowed an old feller that died pinin' for a briled lobster with his last breath. Since I read that piece about sobbin' out my gratitude on Sprudell's broad chest it's woke a new ambition in me.

It took little Johnny and myself three wet days to concoct it. Pie, Tom, or roast pig?" he continued; "or broiled woodcock? Here they are, all of them?" "Why, I reckon I'll take cock; briled meat wants to be ate right stret away as soon as it comes off the griddle; and of all darned nice ways of cooking, to brile a thing, quick now, over hot hickory ashes, is the best for me!"

"Yass'm," said Aunt Lucy, after a judicial look. "Them blame l'il goats. Thass um. I wish't they all wuzn't so mighty peart an' knowin' all ther time, so'st Majah Buford he c'd git one o' them now an' then fer to eat. Antelope tennerline is shoh'ly mighty fine, briled. Now, ef we jess had a few sweet 'taters. But, law! whut am I sayin'?" "Yes," said Mary Ellen practically.

"Oh, shame! shame!" cried the sailor, tears finally falling from his eyes, "to deceive and steal this pore, believin' intelleck! To rob the cook of the little tin cup full o' brains she uses to git food fur bad an' fur good folks! Why, the devils in Pangymonum wouldn't treat that a way the kind heart that briled fur 'em."

But fatigue and hunger on Josiah's part, a prancin' team bore us away, and we went home in pretty good sperits after all, though some late. Miss Plank had a good supper. We wuz late, but she had kept it warm for us some briled chicken, and some green peas, and a light nice puddin', and other things accordin'; and Josiah did indeed do justice to it.