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So I continued visiting him till he would see me no longer, and do what I might I could not obtain a glance of him. The canon now became impatient, more especially as he had given me a few pesetas out of the charities of the church. He frequently called me a bribon and impostor.

He would have come to trade, to buy; but nobody knows him in Finisterra, nor does he know anybody: and the first thing, moreover, that he does when he reaches this place is to inspect the fort, and to ascend the mountain where, no doubt, he has been marking out a camp. What brings him to Finisterra if he is neither Calros nor a bribon of a faccioso?"

DOÑA MATILDE. Que D. Eduardo me trajo esta mañana. BRUNO. ¡Habrá bribón! DOÑA MATILDE. A petición mía ... porque una mujer desgraciada no puede estar sin un poco de veneno en su ridículo. BRUNO. Maldita la necesidad que veo yo de eso....

They were disposed to believe his flattering tale. There is no credulity so eager and blind as the credulity of covetousness, which, in its universal extent, measures the moral misery and the intellectual destitution of mankind. Ah! he had confessed everything, this fractious Jew, this bribon. Good! Then he was no longer wanted.

DOÑA MATILDE. Válgame Dios, ¡qué es esto!... ¿qué te ha sucedido? DON EDUARDO. Déjame en paz ... bribón ... tunante. Estoy por volver, y por.... DOÑA MATILDE. Pero, Eduardo ... tranquilízate por la Virgen. DON EDUARDO. Te digo que me dejes. DOÑA MATILDE. Mira que te va a dar algo.

"Ha, bribon!" he said, pinching the burro's ears. "What is the use of wasting breath? Sus, sus, amigo!" The burro began to buck and Alejandro stepped back. As he did so he saw approaching him from behind the wagons a man in tattered garments, with a hat dragged over his eyes, and a great mass of furzy yellow beard. "Here, you!" said this person. "Oh, you're Mexican! Ya lo veo "

But they say that they have acted imprudently in sending you to prison, inasmuch as by so doing they have given you an opportunity of carrying a plan of yours into execution. 'This fellow is a bribon, say they, 'and has commenced tampering with the prisoners; they have taught him their language, which he already speaks as well as if he were a son of the prison.

The last which we had was an infamous character." "So I have been told, your worship, and it was well for the bribon that I was not in Rivadeo when the affair to which you allude occurred. But he was gone with the pony Perico before I came back, or I would have bled the fellow to a certainty with my knife.