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Then things got better in the Southern Army and we once again decided to go on to the Army reorganized now by General Wrangel. Just at that time the Breguet factory received an order for night bombers for the Russian Army and it was arranged that I escort that shipment to the Crimea.

After dismounting from his steed and tying him to the branches of an oak, thus conforming to the time-honored custom of lovers, the cavalier struck his foot upon the ground three or four times to start the circulation in his legs, and then drew from his pocket a very pretty Breguet watch. "Ten minutes past eight," said he; "I am late and yet I am early.

Signor Pastrini drew from his fob a magnificent Breguet, bearing the name of its maker, of Parisian manufacture, and a count's coronet. "Here it is," said he. "Peste," returned Albert, "I compliment you on it; I have its fellow" he took his watch from his waistcoat pocket "and it cost me 3,000 francs." "Let us hear the history," said Franz, motioning Signor Pastrini to seat himself.

Besides " here he pulled out the prettiest watch Breguet ever made. "Dear me! I am early, it is only eleven o'clock!" "Early?" said Madame Grandet. "Yes; but I wanted to put my things in order. Well, I shall be glad to have anything to eat, anything, it doesn't matter what, a chicken, a partridge." "Holy Virgin!" exclaimed Nanon, overhearing the words.

After dismounting from his steed and tying him to the branches of an oak, thus conforming to the time-honored custom of lovers, the cavalier struck his foot upon the ground three or four times to start the circulation in his legs, and then drew from his pocket a very pretty Breguet watch. "Ten minutes past eight," said he; "I am late and yet I am early.

Another time Mugnier, clockmaker of the Emperor, and the head of his profession in Paris, with Breguet, having brought her a watch of very great value that madame, the Duchess of Friuli had herself ordered, but which did not please her, she became so enraged, that, in the presence of Mugnier, she dashed the watch on the floor, danced on it, and reduced it to atoms.

The superiority of French clocks and watches has been achieved only by the laborious efforts of many ingenious artisans. Of one of these, to whom France owes no little of its celebrity in this branch of art, we propose to speak. Bréguet was the name of this remarkable individual.

Bréguet did still more: he found means to preserve the regularity of his chronometers even in case of their getting any sudden shock or fall, and this he did by the parachute.

The Emperor purchased several watches from Breguet and Meunier, very plain repeaters, without ornamentation or figures, the face covered with glass, the back gold. M. Las Casas speaks of a watch with a double gold case, marked with the cipher "B," and which never left the Emperor.

Since then a great deal of water has run into the sea, and I have had many watches: I have even been so magnificent as to have a real Breguet repeater with second-hand and the day of the month. But in the secret drawer of my desk lies an old silver watch with a rose on the case: I bought it of a Jew peddler, struck by its resemblance to the watch my godfather gave me.