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Work is never over for us actors; one is always beginning over again, always putting one's shoulder to the wheel." Adolphe Meunier, the poet, laying his hand on his shoulder said: "Everything going well, Romilly?" "How are you getting on yourself, Meunier? Always rolling the rock of Sisyphus. That would be nothing, but success does not depend on us alone.

He had two alarm-clocks made by Meunier, one in his carriage, the other at the head of his bed, which he set with a little green silk cord, and also a third, but it was old and wornout so that it would not work; it is this last which had belonged to Frederick the Great, and was brought from Berlin. The swords of his Majesty were very plain, with gold mountings, and an owl on the hilt.

"I trust that age doth not wither nor custom stale my infinite variety," said he, and I recognized in his voice the joy and pride which the artist takes in his own creation. "It really is rather like me, is it not?" "I should be prepared to swear that it was you." "The credit of the execution is due to Monsieur Oscar Meunier, of Grenoble, who spent some days in doing the moulding.

At the voice of his country in danger, another academician, the young and learned Meunier, readily renounced the seductive pursuits of the laboratory; he went to distinguish himself upon the ramparts of Königstein, to contribute as a hero to the long defence of Mayence, and met his death, at the age of forty years only, after having attained the highest position in a garrison wherein shone the Aubert-Dubayets, the Beaupuys, the Haxos, the Klebers.

I followed him to the chamber where death was hovering. The dark hangings of the large bed made a background that gave a strong relief to Bertha's pale face as I entered. She started forward as she saw me enter, and then looked at Meunier with an expression of angry inquiry; but he lifted up his hand as it to impose silence, while he fixed his glance on the dying woman and felt her pulse.

"To tell you the truth," said Meunier, "I don't want her to know about it. There are always insuperable difficulties with women in these matters, and the effect on the supposed dead body may be startling. You and I will sit up together, and be in readiness. When certain symptoms appear I shall take you in, and at the right moment we must manage to get every one else out of the room."

Grandier's adversaries soon became conscious of the storm which was gathering above their heads, and feeling that the struggle between themselves and this man would be one of life or death, Mignon, Barot, Meunier, Duthibaut, and Menuau met Trinquant at the village of Pindadane, in a house belonging to the latter, in order to consult about the dangers which threatened them.

In spite of her small area, she occupied the fifth rank among the great trading nations of the world, and the names of Maeterlinck, Verhaeren, César Franck and Meunier show that she had reconquered a great part of her former intellectual prestige. There is one striking resemblance between all periods of Belgian development.

I shall try to think of that when I am sinning." "You sinning!" exclaimed Delarey. "Maurice, dear, you think too well of me." Delarey flushed like a boy, and glanced quickly at Artois, who did not return his gaze. "But if that's true, Emile," Hermione continued, "Madame Lagrande and Robert Meunier will be friends again."

Great tragedy parts, if they are to produce their true effect, ought to be played by a comedian, but he must have a soul." The poor fellow actually thought that he had imagined a new form of art. 'You'll see, he said." At the corner of the Boulevard Saint-Michel, a journalist came up to Meunier, and asked him: "Is it true that Robert de Ligny was at one time madly in love with Fagette?"