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Paul Bourget relates that when he told Maupassant of this epigram, he calmly replied: "Better a bull than an ox." His output as they say in publishing circles was breath-catching. It is whispered that he worked all the better after a "hard night."

I prefer the Klindworth editing of this rather sombre, nervous composition, which may be merely an etude, but it also indicates a slightly pathologic condition. With its breath-catching syncopations and narrow emotional range, the A minor study has nevertheless moments of power and interest. Riemann's phrasing, while careful, is not more enlightening than Klindworth's.

She had grown I hardly know what word to use but, something like proud of her martyrdom; she had grown to hug her grief; to feel an excitement in her agony of anxiety about her boy. "So, Mary, you're here! O Mary, lass! He's to be tried on Tuesday." She fell to sobbing, in the convulsive breath-catching manner which tells of so much previous weeping. "O Mrs. Wilson, don't take on so!

Damon's financial trouble, but as for kidnapping him well, you never can tell." They drove on at a breath-catching pace, and it seemed hardly a minute after leaving Mrs. Damon's house before Tom called: "There's the building where the telephone is located." "And now for that rascal Peters!" cried Ned. The airship swooped down, to the great astonishment of some workmen nearby.

My grief had now settled down into a sullen resentment, agreeably relieved, at due intervals, by breath-catching sobs. The violence of the storm had passed, but its gloom still remained. Seeing the little gladness that the possession of clothes, the finest I had yet had, communicated to me, my director could not avoid giving himself the pleasurable relief of saying, "Sulky little brute!"

I told him what it was for, hoping rather vaguely, I think, that he'd sit on me and make the crime impossible. But he didn't." "You don't mean that he lent you the money after you had told him what you purposed doing with it?" It was too dark for him to see her face, but there was something like a breath-catching of horror in her voice. "I'm sorry it shocks you, but he did.

This will often ward off an attack entirely. When the trouble has fairly obtained hold, treatment must be applied to the back and chest as follows. Let the patient lie in bed comfortably on this. Then apply towels wrung out of cold water on the chest where pain and breath-catching are felt. Let the towels be large, and at least four ply.

We may brood, quieted and sweetly-sad, upon the last melancholy "oozings" of the rich year's vintage. But across all these things lies, like a streak of red, breath-catching, spilled heart's blood, the knowledge of what it means to have been able to turn all this into poetry! It means Torment. It means Despair. It means that cry, out of the dust of the cemetery at Rome, "O God!

The grave-faced German went stolidly down the hall; the young man pulled on a pair of felt slippers; in the library he put the detached receiver to his ear and spoke evenly: "Well, Miss Vale?" There was a small, gasping exclamation from the wire, a sort of breath-catching flutter of sound such as a person might utter who had been running hard.

More than that, old Scroggs sat with her and I have an idea that he got excited, too, in the breath-catching parts. I think that engagement business must have broken the old man's spirit, or else so much association with college people began to waken dormant brain cells in his head.