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Take a large handful of bread-crumbs, as much beef-suet shred fine, two eggs, a little pepper and salt, a little grated nutmeg, a little parsley, sweet-marjoram and lemon-peel shred fine; so mix altogether, put it into the belly of your pike, skewer it round and lie it in an earthen dish with a lump of butter over it, a little salt and flour, so set it in the oven; an hour will roast it.

The owner of it was none other than the kind-hearted gaunt grey beggar who had given the Prince the bag of bread-crumbs and the hare. Without recognising Iwanich, he opened the door when he knocked and gave him shelter for the night.

Have you got a cutlet rolled in bread-crumbs left, Madame Quenu?" Without waiting for a reply, she removed one of the covers of the heater. It was that of the compartment reserved for the chitterlings, sausages, and black-puddings. However, the chafing-dish was quite cold, and there was nothing left but one stray forgotten sausage. "Look under the other cover, Mademoiselle Saget," said Lisa.

Then divide it into equal portions and having floured your hands, make it up in the shape of pears, sticking the head of a clove into the bottom of each to represent the blossom end, and the stalk of a clove into the top to look like the stem. Dip them into beaten yolk of egg, and then into bread-crumbs grated finely and sifted.

Some of the lines were written in blue ink, some in red, and others in that pale muddy black which is the peculiar colour of ink after passing through the various experiments of school-boys, who generally entertain the belief that all foreign substances, from molasses-candy to bread-crumbs, necessarily improve the colour and quality of that important liquid.

About five minutes is enough for the transaction; and then, with a squeeze of lemon and a dash of cayenne, you've got a dish fit for a king! No bread-crumbs or butter or any of that French fiddlery, mind, or you'll spoil him!" "I'll remember your recipe should I ever chance to turn cook," said Mr Strong. "I should think it ought to taste uncommonly good."

Chop cold cooked chicken with some mushrooms, parsley and thyme and season with salt, black pepper and cayenne. Add a tablespoonful of butter and 2 well-beaten eggs. Then form into croquettes. Dip in beaten egg and fine bread-crumbs and fry in deep hot lard to a golden brown. Make a cream sauce and serve with the croquettes. Garnish with parsley. Jewish Goose Greeben.

When Herr Katschuka looked up from his easel, his dark-red chalk drew such a streak across the portrait's brow, that it would be hard for bread-crumbs to get it out, and he rose involuntarily from his seat before Timéa. Every one rose at the sight of the girl, even Athalie. Who can she be?

For those who take eggs, the rissoles may be moistened and bound with a beaten egg instead of the cornflour and water. They may also be rolled in egg and bread-crumbs after flouring. 1/2 pint beans, 1 oz. butter, water, 1 teaspoon lemon juice. The small white or brown haricots should be used for this dish. Wash well, and soak overnight in the water.

"Can you recall that the tracks were sometimes like that, Watson," he arranged a number of bread-crumbs in this fashion : : : : : "and sometimes like this" : . : . : . : . "and occasionally like this" . : . : . : . "Can you remember that?" "No, I cannot." "But I can. I could swear to it. However, we will go back at our leisure and verify it.